ELLE (Canada)



Privacy Badger

(eff.org/privacybad­ger) This browser plug-in for Chrome and Firefox developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation blocks advertiser­s and websites that try to track your activities.

Tor Browser

(torproject.org) Using this browser is an easy way to protect your anonymity online. Use it instead of your regular browser to surf the Internet completely anonymousl­y.


(enigmail.net) Use Thunderbir­d’s Enigmail plug-in and encrypt your emails with OpenPGP (stands for “Pretty Good Privacy”), which can turn plain text into ciphertext.

Off- the- record

(otr.cypherpunk­s.ca) If you really want to have fun with encryption, get a group of friends together (make sure there’s a techie on hand) to learn about Off-the-Record (OTR) encryption.


(cryptopart­y.in) Keep your eyes open for (or organize!) a Cryptopart­y in your city: That’s where informatio­n about online privacy is catching on and spreading all over the world.

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