Faith Today

Learning as we go

Examples of the Holy Spirit leading believers to reach out

- Karen Stiller of Ottawa, Ont., and Bill Fledderus of Hamilton, Ont., are senior editors of Faith Today.

Are you familiar with the work of the Tyndale Intercultu­ral Ministries Centre in Toronto? Practical and, well, what could be more Canadian? Welcoming cultures without absorbing them. Encouragin­g congregati­ons to go beyond their typical understand­ing of multicultu­ralism to create an even wider hospitalit­y. Coaching ethnic church leaders as they grow.

A few months ago when Narry Santos, a Filipino church planter in Toronto, shared with our staff how these ideas were reshaping his ministry, we knew this could be written in a way that would bless many of our readers.

His story of starting out with one great idea but ending up elsewhere – because he first studied his local community and culture – that’s an experience we can all benefit from reading about. His cover article is the first of many in this issue that share an outward-looking theme.

The “FT Interview” this issue is with Marilyn Draper, an assistant professor of practical theology (and also another church planter). “The key question I ask a group thinking about planting a church,” she says, is “What is God doing in this area and how can we participat­e?”

That question leads church plants to develop in completely different ways. “Often the church service ends up becoming, you know, maybe step five. Or step six as opposed to step one,” she says.

The challenge of welcoming strangers is a major part of “Practising the Practices of My Faith” by senior writer Patricia Paddey. She shares how she started with a heart change that actually led her, an introvert, to answer God’s call to hospitalit­y in ways that work for her.

In “Church in Community” you’ll read about a church in Angus, Ont., that found a Super Bowl Sunday outreach helped them reach out successful­ly to their neighbours.

And “At Issue” introduces a new engagement kit you can download from The Evangelica­l Fellowship of Canada, full of practical tips on improving society by sharing constructi­ve, biblical views with your MP or other political representa­tive.

Mixed in are articles about ministry and personal growth – a pastor coping with all the deaths he faced in his ministry, an essay on how we can make our churches and Christian organizati­ons healthier, a reflection that compares birdwatchi­ng with trying to observe where God is at work – as well as fresh news, reviews and opinions.

Enjoy the issue. We hope it inspires you to tune in to whatever God might be inviting you into this fall. /FT

The cover article is the first of many in this issue that share an outwardloo­king theme.

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