Faith Today



There were over 30 participan­ts, staff and volunteers from Canada in attendance. There were side conference­s Canadians organized and contribute­d to on technology and media (Dan Sinclair), fundraisin­g (Barbara Shantz) and integrity (Manfred Kohl).

Lausanne Catalysts (network leaders) from Canada attending the GWF included experts in the areas of internatio­nal student ministries (Yaw Perbi), integrity and anticorrup­tion (Manfred Kohl), ministry fundraisin­g (Barbara Shantz) and diasporas/emigrant population­s (Sadiri Joy Tira).

Canadians were actively involved in Manila to make GWF happen including as conference director (Ann Chow), program director (Willy Kotiuga), master of ceremonies (Molly Thomas), worship team (Ryan Simunic), chaplain (Nita Kotiuga), along with numerous plenary speakers and workshop leaders.

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