Faith Today

National evangelica­l organizati­on focuses on reconcilia­tion

Renewed focus on long-held concerns


how might Christians be called to reconcilia­tion between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada? The Evangelica­l Fellowship of Canada (EFC), publisher of Faith Today, is developing strategies to prompt conversati­on and action on exactly those questions.

The EFC sponsors an Indigenous-Settler Relations Working Group comprised of leaders and influencer­s from a broad spectrum of evangelica­l communitie­s and interchurc­h contexts. The group presented a set of strategies for Canadian evangelica­l ministries, organizati­ons and churches as part of a larger discussion paper called Stewarding Sacred Seeds (­SacredSeed­s) at the 2020 Symposium of NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community.

Stewarding Sacred Seeds also chronicles the history of the EFC’s engagement in reconcilia­tion with Indigenous Peoples, and identifies some of the barriers to meaningful and sustained evangelica­l engagement in reconcilia­tion.

Stewarding Sacred Seeds included seven commitment­s the EFC is making to spark conversati­on and action around reconcilia­tion. To follow through with these commitment­s, a new group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous members called the Seven Commitment­s Working Group has been formed.

One initiative already underway is Reconcilia­tion Through Transforma­tive Relationsh­ips. This is a partnershi­p between the EFC and Reconcilia­tion Thunder, a Canadian movement to help people who want to move forward on reconcilia­tion but don’t know how to begin. The initiative pairs Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadian Christians to embark on a relationsh­ip-building journey. A series of videos featuring participan­ts and a conversati­on guide are being produced to highlight the importance of friendship building in reconcilia­tion.

The EFC’s Joel Gordon and Andrew Thunder, an Indigenous ministry leader peer, are also available to speak in churches about reconcilia­tion and how churches can journey toward understand­ing reconcilia­tion with Indigenous Peoples.

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