Faith Today

How (and why) to be nice to your MP


Summertime was typically when Members of Parliament would work the barbeque circuit, connecting with people in their ridings. Covid restrictio­ns may limit the size of community events this summer, but there are still ways – and good reasons – to reach out to a local MP.

Canada is facing increasing polarizati­on and divisions. The real and significan­t difference­s between groups are pulling all of us apart.

As Christians we believe God calls us to seek the well-being of our land and blessing for all Canadians. We’re called to seek the common good. Jesus instructs His followers to bless and show love to our neighbours, no matter their views about issues or even how they view the Church.

MPs face significan­t pressure and carry heavy burdens in their work. Serving in public life involves sacrifice and takes a toll on family and relationsh­ips. There are increasing­ly unreachabl­e expectatio­ns on government to solve social problems.

It’s important for us to reach out to our local MPs in positive ways. We can make an effort to meet them in the community and let them know we appreciate their efforts on behalf of the riding. Even if we sometimes disagree with their policies, we can recognize the work and sacrifice of public office.

As MPs spend the summer break in their ridings, they will find ways to connect with their constituen­ts. Try to attend community outreach events virtually, if not in person.

Call your MP’s office or send a note to let them know you appreciate their efforts. Make positive comments and express support when you can.

Follow your MP on social media. Find out what they’re saying and doing. Mark the milestones in their lives in thoughtful ways.

Praying for our MPs is one of the most important things we can do. In 1 Timothy 2:1–2a, the Apostle Paul says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessi­on and thanksgivi­ng be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority.”

Express thanks to God and intercede for those in authority over us. Pray for God’s blessing on elected officials and that they would know they are loved by God.

Politician­s face difficult decisions every day. Pray for wisdom, strength and courage for your MP, and for them to make good decisions that will uphold justice and seek the good of our country.

Ask God to show you how you can encourage and bless your local MP.

“The nature of Christian witness in the public square is one of compassion and mercy, and concern for the well-being of all members of our society. Although our focus is particular­ly on the vulnerable and powerless, we also need to find ways to bless and support those in public office.” —Julia Beazley, director of public policy for the EFC

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