Faith Today

Scripture reading

- Sandra Broadus of Toronto is a spiritual director and executive director of Emmaus Formation Centre. www.EmmausForm­


As you quiet yourself before Jesus, prayerfull­y select a Gospel reading. Read a portion quietly and meditative­ly. For example: Mark 1:1–8, which is a short descriptio­n of John the Baptist as the waymaker. Read the passage three times, silently or aloud.

First reading

Notice a word or phrase that jumps off the page for you.

Second reading

Notice again and ask God, “Why this word?” or “Why this phrase?”

Third reading

At the end, simply offer up your understand­ing of God’s intention by drawing you to your word or phrase and wait for His response. End in quiet with thanksgivi­ng for God’s Living Word.


As you are reading your daily portion of Scripture, you may discover an image that draws you. As you read the Scripture three times, you may wonder, “Where am I in the story?” As you see yourself in the story, notice your reactions to Jesus – and perhaps Jesus’ reactions to you. Stay with the story as long as seems right. After the reading take your experience to prayer, thanking God for His Living Word.


As you return to the Father anew, begin at the end: Psalm 150. As you read it, notice your internal response to the Psalmist. Offer your own praises to God for His surpassing greatness, both in the world and in your life.

These conversati­ons are not support groups or Bible studies – they are rather a practice of deep listening to each other. We listen to the story shared and we listen to God. Only when we hear from God do we offer a word of encouragem­ent, a Bible verse, an image or perhaps a question. Afterward pray for the friend who shared the story.

After reflecting on what spiritual practices worked for you during Covid, and perhaps what you missed, and thinking about what new habits you might like to explore from the list above or others, use this space or a journal to make a spiritual plan for abiding in God.

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