Faith Today

All Things Wise and Wonderful: A Christian Understand­ing of How and Why Things Happen, in Light of COVID-19

- By E. Janet Warren Wipf & Stock, 2021. 224 pages. $33 (e-book $10) – STEPHEN J. BEDARD

did god cause the Covid-19 pandemic? Before attempting to answer, we need to understand what we mean by “cause.”

Janet Warren is qualified to wrestle with this, drawing on her background as a family physician, psychother­apist and theologian. She has worked extensivel­y at the intersecti­on of science and theology.

When we think about God causing the pandemic, Warren asks, do we mean Covid-19 was a special act of creation? Do we mean God manipulate­d events so the virus would move from a local problem to a global crisis? Or do we mean God created a world where viruses are able to exist?

Warren offers a tour of how different discipline­s understand causation, including the Bible, theology, mathematic­s, science and psychology. She shows that what seems like a simple question is much more complicate­d.

She acknowledg­es that desiring answers about causation is normal. But she also demonstrat­es that rarely can we say with definite certainty from both a theologica­l and a scientific perspectiv­e that A causes B.

Warren’s concluding statement summarizes her message. “Worship the God who is wise and wonderful, and explore His wise and wonderful world. But remain open and humble about how little we understand.”

One criticism – her discussion of parapsycho­logy and psychic phenomena was distractin­g in an otherwise rational book. Despite that, this book is a helpful resource for understand­ing how God interacts with creation in general.

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