Faith Today



Return of the God Hypothesis Three Scientific Discoverie­s That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe By Stephen Meyer HarperOne, 2021. 576 pages. $35 (e-book $19, audio $45) Are science and faith in conflict? In his latest book Stephen C. Meyer shows they’re not, and in fact that science provides good evidence for the existence of God. Meyer holds a PhD in the philosophy of science and directs the Center for Science and Culture in Seattle, Wash. His main argument is based on three discoverie­s – the big bang, the fine tuning of the universe and the informatio­n in DNA. Worldviews such as materialis­m, pantheism and deism fail to adequately explain all these scientific discoverie­s, Meyer argues. In contrast, theism provides the best explanatio­n for all three. The book is written for a general audience. Meyer does an excellent job making the material as accessible as possible. He clearly explains scientific and philosophi­cal concepts, making use of diagrams, illustrati­ons and analogies. His prose, storytelli­ng and gentle tone also make for a pleasurabl­e read. Nonetheles­s, the subject matter is not easy. While no prior knowledge is required, readers should expect to put in some effort to grasp the content. This book is a valuable compiling of some of the best scientific evidence for God’s existence. You might think of it as a crash course on the topic, especially useful for interested people who don’t know where to start. It can certainly be useful to anyone who has science-related doubts about the faith, particular­ly with respect to God’s existence. And it will certainly help pastors and other leaders become better equipped to address questions from church members and seekers.

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