Food & Drink

Bar trending


The number of energy, protein and granola bars on the market these days is staggering. Here are three brands to suit most needs.

Lunchroom Treat

At a modest 24 grams, Canadian and certified nut-free, Made Good granola bars are tailor-made for the kids’ lunch box. Bonus: dried vegetable powder gives each bar the same nutrients as one serving of vegetables.

Wholesome Snack

While Lärabars tend to be higher in sugar than the average energy bar, their succinct ingredient lists read like a haiku of wholesomen­ess. Think of it as a condensed rectangle of trail mix in your bag for an emergency snack on the go.

Pre-Workout Boost

High in protein and carbohydra­tes, Genuine Health Fermented Greek Yogurt Proteins+ bars are also delicious, especially the Cherry Almond Vanilla flavour. They’ll quickly refill an empty tank before you hit the gym.

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