Food & Drink



• I prefer less sugar in my meringues because the texture is lighter. Each egg white will take 3 tbsp (45 mL) sugar (usually 1⁄4 cup/60 mL is called for).

• Separate the eggs by placing them in your hand and allowing the white to drip into a large bowl. Add the yolks to a second bowl to reserve for another use. If you get a piece of yolk into the whites, use a piece of egg shell to remove it. Yolks prevent egg whites from beating up.

• Copper bowls and whisks were always used to beat egg whites because the chemical reaction between copper and whites helped them reach new heights. Don’t have a copper bowl? Introduce a pinch of cream of tartar to the mixture and use your electric beaters. That produces the same chemical reaction as copper. The beater must be clean because food particles or grease stop the egg whites from billowing up.

• Meringue mixtures are ready for baking when they are thick enough to hold stiff peaks or you can turn over the bowl and the mixture remains inside.

• Oven temperatur­e should be 275°F (140°C). This prevents the meringues from browning. If they seem to be browning, turn the temperatur­e down another notch. Bake for an hour and then turn off the oven until it cools.

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