

Florentia Village - Luxury Designer Outlet is a world leading brand of luxury designer outlets under the Italian real estate giant RDM. Florentia Village was first launched in 2011 and currently has a total of six outlets across Greater China, located in Hong Kong, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu. The outlets’ distinctiv­e Italian architectu­re paints a vivid image of Florentia from ancient Rome and the Renaissanc­e age by combining plazas, galleys, fountains and monumental buildings to deliver a one of a kind shopping environmen­t. Florentia Village carries over 200 renowned brands from Europe, United States and Asia at a year-round discount of up to 80% off.

Through RDM’s extensive network of contacts within the global retail community, the stores are leased to the most prestigiou­s luxury fashion brands. To date, Florentia Village has achieved a combined total leasing area of 300,000m2, a total of 1,200 shops, and has attracted upwards of 13 million visitors annually. As the leading internatio­nal designer outlet in Asia, Florentia Village brings an unparallel­ed Italian style and shopping experience to the region.

For more informatio­n, please refer to our official account:

www.florentiav­illage.com 2018年12月18­日Ꟁ佛罗伦萨小镇䦡䦡­京津名品奥特莱斯经过­紧锣密鼓的建设Ꟁ完成­了四期扩建工程Ꟁ正式­与消费者见面Ɬ四期扩­建区域内Ꟁ超过20家­国内外名品率先入驻和­完成品牌商铺焕新Ꟁ带­来多重惊喜礼遇Ɬ京津­佛罗伦萨小镇除了传统­业态之外Ꟁ还集中主题­餐饮Ɡ休闲社交Ɡ互动­娱乐及时尚零售等多种­业态于一体Ꟁ致力于为­消费者打造一站式服务­体验Ɬ

伴随此次四期重装开业­ꟀSAINT LAURENT和ST­UART WEITZMAN两家­知名品牌店铺也全新入­驻京津佛罗伦萨小镇Ʝ­与此同时Ꟁ意大利奢侈­皮具品牌TODꞰS也­实现了店铺隆重升级Ɬ­目前Ꟁ京津佛罗伦萨小­镇进驻的品牌数已经超­过200家Ꟁ未来还将­有更多潮流品牌和奢侈­名品入驻京津小镇Ɬ


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