Grand Magazine

Plant & Rake Without the Ache


Gardening and yard work are strenuous physical activities. In a recent poll, 88 per cent of Ontario chiropract­ors indicated that working in the garden and yard were the most common sources of neck and back pain they treat during the warm weather season.

To enjoy the fruits of your labour during this yard and gardening season, keep these tips in mind:

Stretch out before you head out. Light to moderate gardening can burn between 300 to 400 calories an hour, compared to the 40 calories an hour while sitting quietly. Take the time to prepare your body for activity, warm-up and cool down your muscles.

Add a short walk to top off your routine with overall conditioni­ng and to be ready for your open-air workout!

Use good technique while lifting. Keep the load close to your body, your back straight and bend your knees while picking up and putting down the load. Avoid twisting, and get help for heavy, awkward loads.

Use the right tools and moves. The right moves can reduce the strain on your body; alternate your tasks, kneel to plant and weed, change positions frequently, and most importantl­y pace yourself. Moving correctly and using the right tools go hand-in-hand. Work with ease in your garden and yard, make sure that tools are a comfortabl­e weight and size for you. Use ergonomica­lly designed tools that are light-weight with long padded handles and spring action mechanisms to reduce strain and effort.

Take breaks! Get-up, move around, alternate tasks, repeat your stretch routine or sit back, relax and have a cool drink. Try not to overexert yourself, take three brief breaks at least once every hour. Your back will thank you!

If you have back or muscle pain that lasts more than 48hours without improvemen­t, visit a chiropract­or. Chiropract­ors play an important role in providing preventati­ve education and early detection of spinal problems, as well as providing expert care for back, muscle, joint pain and injury.

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