Grand Magazine

Speed-round questions with Mandy Bujold


Best boxing movie? “Girlfight,” with Michelle Rodriguez. “I actually haven’t watched it in about 10 years, but that was one of the movies I watched at the very beginning. At the very end, she beats up the guy and I liked it.”

Best song for training? Although she prefers to train without music, she does like Rihanna, featuring Drake – “Work, work, work, work . . .” Favourite part of training? “Probably sparring, because you would do something on hand pads and work on it with your coach in the morning and then you would actually do it. When it would work, it was really rewarding.” Least favourite part of training? “Probably warming up, especially when you get to that second or third workout in one day and you have to do this long workout, it’s just like ugh.”

Boxer she admires? Katie Taylor. “She is an Irish boxer who basically has won everything you could ever imagine. She was just the best boxer in the world for years and years and still is. Now she is a pro and she’s basically winning world titles. In the boxing circuit everybody knows her. She’s a really nice girl. She was this fierce female in the ring, but outside of the ring she was so down to earth and humble. Never really had attitude.”

Words to box by? “I usually have signs all over the house when I’m preparing for a fight, but they’ll always be more focused on what I’m working on. ‘Control the controllab­le’ is one that I really like.”

Coffee or tea? “Reid’s tea; I’m more coffee. I’m more like a latte type of thing. I wouldn’t drink just a regular cup of coffee.” Morning person or night person? “I absolutely hate getting up in the morning. Reid’s a morning person and I’m a night person. He could easily get up at 6 a.m. every morning and just have a tea and watch the news and I’m like: Why would you do that?”

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