
Ueli Steck Solos Annapurna South Face


Ueli Steck has soloed the South Face of Annapurna 8,091 m which translates to Goddess of the Harvest. “News from Annapurna south face… summit summit summit alone for Ueli!” was posted on Scarpa’s Facebook page. Steck attempted the face twice before, in 2007 and in 2008. Steck soloed a new route on the face, completing the line attempted in 1992 by Pierre Beghin and Jean-Christophe Lafaille on the left side of the wall, between the 1970 British route and the 1981 Japanese route. The two French climbers had reached about 7,200 metres when Beghin fell and Lafaille had to down-climb the face with limited gear. Steck summited 8,091- metre Annapurna in the middle of the night after one long day of climbing, and descended the same route via down-climbing and a few rappels. He returned to the foot of the wall just 28 hours after leaving.

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