
About Oman


Oman has a r ich history from the earliest known settlement­s in the stone-age to clashing with old colonial powers like Portugal to its modern state: a tranquil oasis amidst a tumultuous region.

Oman’s cultural diversity sets it apart from its more homogenous neighbours. Oman’s strategic location and extensive coastline produced a large nation of sea far ing people and establishi­ng colonies in Tanzania and modern day Pakistan. The one unique trait which binds all of them together now in one country is their incredible hospitalit­y. Climbers in some areas in Oman are often rewarded at the end of the day with coffee, bananas and fresh dates from the local village. It is considered rude in Omani culture to turn down an invitation for a meal. Although English is not widely spoken in more remote villages, body language and warm smiles go a long way.

Oman is governed by Islamic law which makes it important to respect their religion and conservati­ve nature. Seemingly innocent norms by Western standards may be inappropr iate or offensive to more traditiona­l citizens of Oman. Please take some time to research local customs and tips for travel within the Sultanate to ensure Omanis will continue to enjoy visiting and seeing tour ists within their borders.

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