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Design books that are perfect for gift-giving.


Design books to give and get for the holiday season


By Meryanne Loum-Martin

An accomplish­ed lawyer and world traveller, Meryanne Loum-Martin may have lived in Abidjan, Paris, New York and London, but she only truly felt at home when she stepped foot in Marrakesh. Her book takes readers on a tour of famous riads in the city, including Yves Saint Laurent’s

Dar el-Hanch and hot spots such as El Fenn, La Mamounia and Jnane Tamsna — her own boutique hotel in Palmeraie. Rizzoli, 2020, $80.

H&H: Morocco is a huge inspiratio­n for decorating right now. Why do you think this look resonates?

MLM: Everyone dreams of a romantic and exotic escape. Today’s decorating is about fusion, and Moroccan style is easy to sprinkle into an interior anywhere in the world.

H&H: You’re the first (and only) Black female hotel owner in Marrakesh. What were some of your biggest challenges?

I wasn’t interested in everyone giving their opinion, and I made that known. The constructi­on trade is very masculine, as is the Arab culture. It wasn’t my country, and I don’t speak Arabic. I was probably crazy, but this fearlessne­ss made me blind to difficulti­es, and I never stopped moving forward. It was worth it to be able to live my passion.

H&H: What inspired your hotel design?

Nature was my main influence. The palm trees determined the size of the houses and the windows, and I created a courtyard to save other palm trees.

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The grand salon is layered with rugs and low seating.
Hanging branches give Jnane Tamsna’s dining room an outdoor feel. The grand salon is layered with rugs and low seating.
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