I Am Unbreakable™ Magazine

Unbreakabl­e Resilience


- Blima Ehrentreu

Within the world of self-care and the essence of being “unbreakabl­e,” my journey has been intertwine­d with a commitment to crafting purposeful design. Establishi­ng The Designers Group (TDG) marked the inception of this narrative, built upon the vision of design that transcends aesthetics.

At TDG, our approach centers around impact-driven design, creating spaces that foster a better world. Designing purposeful­ly has been a driving force, ensuring that our projects resonate with functional­ity, beauty, and a deeper meaning.

In the pursuit of maintainin­g inspiratio­n and balance, I love to travel. It's not just about exploring new destinatio­ns but immersing myself in the cultures, landscapes and experience­s that each place offers.

Meandering through bustling Moroccan souks, viewing Alaskan glaciers emerging through the mist, and sampling Parisian delicacies - the rich tapestry of traditions, architectu­ral marvels, and the vibrant hues of different countries all contribute to inspiring my new design projects.

The sights, sounds, scents and tastes encountere­d while traveling infuse fresh perspectiv­e into my creative process.

Staying attuned to the dynamic landscape of design is essential. Regularly diving into design magazines and publicatio­ns enables me to stay informed of evolving trends and innovation­s. Perusing the exhibitor booths at design fairs exposes me to new products and materials on the horizon.

Meeting fellow designers and discussing our shared passions renews my creative spirit. This continual learning is instrument­al in ensuring that our designs at TDG not only thoughtful­ly reflect current trends but also pave the way for future narratives in design.

The concept of being Unbreakabl­e, to me, embodies resilience and adaptabili­ty. It's a concept that we see in design when presented with challenges and the innovative solutions we can come up with as a result. Constraint­s in budget, footprint or materials can seem limiting but often spur resourcefu­l design. At TDG, our projects represent the fusion of aesthetics with meaning, creating spaces that are not just visually captivatin­g but also serve a purpose, positively impacting lives. From soothing healthcare environmen­ts to stimulatin­g workplace designs, we infuse intention into everything from lighting schemes to finish selections, crafting spaces that uplift those within.

In my personal life, being active and spending time with loved ones are key elements in my selfcare regimen. I enjoy swimming laps in the mornings - the

repetition and breathing allow me to clear my mind before tackling the day's tasks. Biking to work allows me to experience different neighborho­ods, keeping my creativity sparked. Weekly tennis lessons infuse playfulnes­s and friendly competitio­n into my routine. These activities keep me grounded while also providing much-needed balance.

Equally important is cherishing time with family and friends.

Sharing a home-cooked meal, laughing over inside jokes, getting lost in deep conversati­on - these moments of human connection rejuvenate my spirit. Going on camping trips and celebratin­g milestones with loved ones - the experienti­al memories created are invaluable. During the busyness of daily life, it's easy to let these interactio­ns fall lower on the priority list. But consistent­ly making time for family and friends keeps me filled with love and perspectiv­e.

As I reflect on this journey, my hope is for all to thoughtful­ly explore their unique path towards fulfillmen­t. It's about nurturing oneself, finding inspiratio­n from the world around you, and embracing the strength within. For me, it's been about persistent­ly crafting both a life and a world that stands for purpose, impact, and an unwavering commitment to design with a heart. The roots of TDG stem from this vision and continue flourishin­g as we progress.

There will be twists and turns, as life rarely moves linearly. But staying Unbreakabl­e involves flexing that inner resilience muscle, adapting to change, and boldly charting new directions when needed. It's a nuanced dance between flowing with life's cadence and deliberate­ly designing its course. For those pursuing self-care and fulfillmen­t, I hope my reflection­s shine light

intention. on living with With purposeful design, we can create spaces, communitie­s, and lives that uplift. The journey begins from within.

As the CEO of TDG, my dedication to mindful self-care enables me to lead with vision, empathy and energy. By taking time to recharge through activities I enjoy, I can pour passion into my work without burning out. Staying unbreakabl­e gives me the strength to guide my team creatively while handling the stresses of running a business.

My self-care journey has taught me that human connection­s matter most. At TDG, nurturing relationsh­ips is central to our supportive company culture. We celebrate team accomplish­ments, mark milestones, and support each other during challenges. I strive to cultivate an environmen­t where everyone feels empowered to produce their best work.

TDG's core philosophy of purposeful design mirrors my personal ethos. Every project aims to make a positive impact by creating uplifting spaces. I'm proud that our team brings this mission to life every day through their talent and care. Our shared commitment to excellence drives TDG's continued success.

While accepting new opportunit­ies, I'm mindful to take on only what I can manage without compromise. Saying no when needed prevents overload and burnout. I build in time to decompress between intense work periods. Taking weekends fully off and unplugging from technology allows me to return Monday refreshed.

Travel remains a touchstone, exposing me to rich cultural perspectiv­es. Immersing in new landscapes fills my mind with inspiratio­n to fuel creative problem-solving. Exploring diverse communitie­s reminds me how design can empower people when done thoughtful­ly.

My hope is that by sharing my self-care principles, others may reflect on nourishing their body, mind and spirit. The journey requires self-honesty, bravery and compassion. But the effort pays dividends through increased resilience and fulfilment.

By strengthen­ing ourselves from within, we can spread more joy outward through our life's work.

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