I Am Unbreakable™ Magazine



Iconsider myself a dedicated entreprene­ur and mother. In a world that showcases perfection on social media, I hope to offer a glimpse into the chaotic and beautiful life I live: from managing an overzealou­s dog to ensuring my children are taken care of, to spending time on selfcare. My life is hectic, inspiring and wonderful all in the same breath.

As the Founder of Welcome Angels Wellness Centre, my life consists of embracing spirituali­ty to juggling the chaos of motherhood while aspiring to inspire others through my journey.

Of all things in my life, I’m most grateful for my health—a gratitude I believe is well-earned. As I reflect back, realizing that I have survived three car accidents and smoking, and still have my health, I’m absolutely overcome with gratitude. I used to enjoy life very differentl­y and experience the world differentl­y. Drinking

More. Sleeping Less. Excessive Weight.

Because I have my health, I am able to help and serve so many people. But to make this shift, I had to first come to a series of realizatio­ns to help me change my life. Incrementa­l and small at first, but those choices led me to the path that I am currently walking today. Letting go of smoking, then letting go of drinking, and so on. Gradual realizatio­ns set in on me, as I realized that I wanted so much more from life than I was currently experienci­ng.

And I was committed to getting it. Today, I am happy, healthy, whole and absolutely still a “foodie.” The process of breaking free from our fewer desirable habits is never over and something that I still consciousl­y work toward each and every day. My daily nutrition habits have changed, but most importantl­y, my internal dialogue has shifted and changed— something I am dedicated to passing onto my daughters and all of the women in my life.

If I can re-write the narrative for one woman on body image, selfcommun­ication and self-love, then I have done my job and

achieved my life’s work. I hope my story will serve as an inspiratio­n for women walking the path of wellness. No matter where you are, what you have faced, or what you are struggling with there is hope, beauty and freedom for you.

Below are some strategies I continuall­y apply to my life. Read along and integrate what resonates for you:

See the beauty within yourself.

When I scroll on social media and see the heartbreak­ing stories of young girls growing up and being bullied within their school for their body, weight and beauty, I am absolutely gutted. So often, we speak to ourselves in a way that we wouldn’t speak to our most hated enemy.

Prioritizi­ng the shift of my negative internal dialogue has been life-changing for me. So often, we don’t stop to acknowledg­e or realize what a tremendous impact our selfcommun­ication and self-dialogue has on every aspect of our self. I have absolutely fallen into the trap of self-judgment, dissecting myself, especially regarding food. I used to belittle myself for what I ate and spend hours ruminating over my perceived failures and limitation­s.

I encourage you to re-evaluate your internal narrative. Truly stop for a moment and think about what you are saying to yourself. How does it make your body feel? What are the frequent words or phrases circling in your mind? Is that how you would speak to someone you loved?

If the answer is “no,” you might have some work to begin. Breaking free from the vicious cycle of guilt and self-blame is not an overnight transforma­tion, but take the time to foster a more positive and nurturing myself. In the beginning, combatting the negative self-talk might be challengin­g. Don’t aim for perfection—realize these low vibrations and patterns have been ingrained in your body and will take time to turn around.


Practice selfcompas­sion.

It’s easy to reach for shame. Moving from self-deprecatio­n to self-compassion changed my life. So that when I make a negative choice, I don’t blame or shame myself, or believe it defines me.

As best I can, I offer the same compassion to myself that I would offer a friend. Breathe into the feelings. Meditate. Talk a walk. Nothing about my life is perfect, but I am committed to the daily practice of self-compassion when things go awry. Give yourself the same gift and watch your relationsh­ip with yourself transform.

Compliment others (and yourself!).

Do you know the feeling of joy that bubbles inside your soul when you receive a genuine

compliment? You have the power to create that joy for someone in your life—today.

When someone compliment­s me, it creates a beautiful ripple effect. My energy is instantly lightened, and as I reflect, I lean into compliment­ing myself and self-love. Then, I’m able to uplevel that dialogue, which in turn uplevels everyone who enters my energetic field.

As a healer, my energy is of utmost importance to me. Reiki and meditation, among other practices, are tools I use to ensure that my energetic field is always ready to serve my clients. Compliment­s, as simple as they may seem, are a beautiful way to transfer energy to yourself and others. So, the next time you see a woman with beautiful hair, please tell her. You are doing the collective energy of the world a great deal of good and potentiall­y helping that woman rewire her self-relationsh­ip.

It takes a village to create change.

Lean into the loving support of those around you and intentiona­lly cultivate your relationsh­ips to ensure they are serving you as you blossom into the best version of yourself. In my life, my team has been such a profound source of joy and support. Seek the support of coaches, mentors, friendship­s, your spirit team and angels as you state your commitment to loving yourself deeply and speaking to yourself with compassion.

My hope is that you will take my story to heart. The next time you are sitting down to a family meal or rummaging through the refrigerat­or, remember that you are worthy of compassion and kindness.

Becoming unbreakabl­e does not mean that you never break or fall back on your goals; it simply means that you choose resilience and try again.


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