I Am Unbreakable™ Magazine

Discoverin­g Authentic Inner Happiness

- Teresa Greco

There was something about turning forty years old that made me stop and take a deep hard look at myself and the life I was living. Some people use the term “mid-life crisis” to describe when someone suddenly decides to make significan­t changes in their life.

Turning forty wasn’t a mid-life crisis per se, but it did have me asking myself the all-important questions: “Where is my life going?” “Am I happy in the life I am living?” “Can I imagine myself living the same life for another forty years?” “Is there more to life than just this?”

I reflected on whether I felt happy and fulfilled, and I realized that despite checking off all the boxes everyone told me I needed to have a happy life, I wasn’t truly happy. Internally I felt that something was missing.

Like many people, I had been conditione­d to believe that happiness was something you searched for outside yourself in your possession­s, positions, titles, degrees, relationsh­ips and experience­s. Happiness was a point of arrival and depended on my earning, achieving, searching for, buying or waiting to be happy.

“I’ll only be happy when …” or “I won’t be happy until …” were phrases I completed in different areas of my life.

We all want to be happy, but I now know that being happy is very different than feeling happy. To feel happy is to view happiness as a transient emotion when circumstan­ces in your life are going well for you, you’ve achieved a personal or profession­al goal, or you’re participat­ing in activities you enjoy. This is pleasure, which is short-lived, for when such things take a turn for the worse, happiness is gone.

When we are connected to our authentic selves, we know that

happiness is our essential nature. It’s a state of being rather than only a state of mind. Happiness is at the core of who we are, and it is therefore impossible to lose the happiness within you.

Through the various principles and practices I have utilized over the last ten years and shared with others through my writing, speaking, coaching practice and shows, I discovered that the lack of happiness, meaning, and fulfillmen­t in our lives stems from us being disconnect­ed from the love, peace and happiness that exists as an innate quality of our spiritual selves.

We must commit to taking the steps we need to remove the blocks to our happiness and learn about the way we can reconnect with the joy of our true essence. Our essential nature is happiness, and by making time to nurture all aspects of ourselves, we can realign with the happiness that’s always there within us to feel.

You can begin your journey towards lasting happiness by embracing these five simple daily habits.

Cultivate Gratitude in Every Moment

Life isn't solely about extravagan­t vacations and grand gestures. True happiness lies in appreciati­ng the simple blessings we already possess. Even when life takes an unexpected turn, there's always something to be thankful for—your loved ones, the essentials of life, and countless small miracles that often go unnoticed.

Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is where old habits and hidden fears reside, keeping you stuck. Living the happy life, you came here to live requires you to take risks and embrace personal growth. Small steps add up and actions like exploring a new route to work or trying a different hairstyle can help move you in a new direction.

Learn Something New Every Day

The most accomplish­ed individual­s are driven by an unquenchab­le thirst for knowledge. Daily learning not only keeps your mind sharp and engaged but also equips you with valuable skills to achieve your goals. The world is a treasure trove of knowledge—never stop seeking ways to enrich yourself, no matter how small the nuggets of wisdom may seem.

Cease the Unhealthy Comparison Game

Comparing your worst attributes to others' best qualities breeds resentment and discontent.

reflect on your

Instead, personal growth journey by comparing yourself to the person you were in the past. Recognize the progress you've made and the improvemen­ts you've achieved over time. This perspectiv­e fosters a healthier appreciati­on of your own evolution.

Prioritize Self-Care

To achieve lasting happiness, prioritize activities that enhance your well-being. Dedicate time to yourself—cook nutritious meals, engage in physical activity, or indulge in inspiratio­nal content. Self-love and self-care are not selfish acts; they are essential for nurturing your own happiness. By making self-care a habit, you become the source of your own joy.

Remember, you can tap into your happiness at any moment, and by cultivatin­g these habits, you can elevate your life to new heights of contentmen­t and fulfillmen­t.

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