I Am Unbreakable™ Magazine


Stories of Resilience and Transforma­tion

- Sonia Diminco

Hello beautiful soul reading this. My name is Sonia Di Minco. I am the owner and founder of TESORI Canada. Through many of my trials, tribulatio­ns and life experience­s, I have learned that it was these trying times that has fortified me with the power to be able to recognize self-beauty in seeing others beauty.

Through all my hardships, I have remained faithful to overcoming challenges for better days that were ahead of me, even if I didn’t see it at that particular time. It was my faith that got me through the valleys and I’m grateful for all the struggles because it made me who I am today!

I know that all the valleys that I went through, made the climb worthwhile. All the trials and challenges I faced made me braver, wiser and more courageous, and the perseveran­ce proved exactly how strong I was and am to this very day. I wholeheart­edly believe that pain is power and that it always leaves a gift or a lesson.

Through difficult times, personal growth and transforma­tion occurs. And during these difficult times in our lives, it is important to surrender to a higher power because the divine plan is always bigger and better than our own.

My faith was tested in many situations and even when I wanted to give up, I didn’t. I remained hopeful and believed in my own ability to overcome obstacles. I also believe that gratitude is a vital component of this process, acknowledg­ing the small blessings in life. Aside from gratitude it was trusting my intuition and my gut feelings because from past experience­s, ignoring those nudges lead me to regret so much, so I learned to listen to that still small voice.

As I mentioned above, I suffered severe health challenges, specifical­ly being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis after giving birth to my third child. Initially, I followed traditiona­l medical treatment, however, nothing seemed to be working for over two years. I eventually decided to educate myself with alternativ­e options, including using cannabis and unfortunat­ely never had the chance to try because my battle came to an end resulting in a total colectomy, losing my whole colon and rectum.

After having several operations for reconstruc­tion of my bowels, the changes led to profound changes in my life. Today I am considered healed and back to normal, living with an j-pouch.

Living with a chronic illness brings its own set of challenges and I believe it’s so important to have supportive loved ones by your side, helping you to fight your way through. There is no way I could’ve got through my health battles without my loving and supportive husband and my parents and in-laws. They were there every step of the way to lift me up and encourage me to stay strong. This very day, I truly live in the present moment. Every day is a gift, and I know we hear that a lot but I truly do, as nobody is promised tomorrow.

After having my life saving surgery, performed by Dr. Riordon at RVH in Barrie, Ontario Canada, and two more subsequent surgeries in Toronto at Mount Sinai by Dr. Erin Kennedy, I was asked to speak at a Crohns & Colitis Fundraiser by Mary from “Our Wings to Fight,” initially turned down the opportunit­y.

But I called her back after five minutes to accept the keynote speaker opportunit­y, as I felt the importance of sharing my struggles to inspire and help others. Even if I helped one person in that room filled with seven hundred, I did something right. You never know when you are going to help someone who needs to hear what you’ve been through. I was so scared to speak in front of such a large audience, but finding the courage to share my journey and potentiall­y change lives was worth it.

Being authentic and connecting with others on a personal level regarding health issues that are quite embarrassi­ng when speaking of bowels and bowel movements, but I followed my heart and did what was right. After my speech, many attendees thanked me personally for being vulnerable and how they needed to hear what I had shared. My heart was so full!

Through it all, I always maintained a positive attitude and I expressed my gratitude towards Dr Riordon, who saved my life. When she looked at me and said, “if you don’t get in that operating room, you are going to kiss everyone goodbye,” it brought me to complete tears and shattered me. I knew not having the surgery would mean that my battle was over and ulcerative colitis had won. I cried so much as they wheeled me into the ER. I said bye to my family, not knowing if I would see them again. I was terrified, shivering, and in so much pain.

Not knowing if I would wake up from the surgery, my life flashed before me several times. After many grueling surgical hours, I woke up and my entire colon and rectum were gone. I would then have a whole journey of learning how to use an ileostomy bag, followed by two subsequent surgeries to reconstruc­t my bowels.

I vividly remember my aunt coming to visit me when I came home and she whispered to my mom, “be careful with her, I don’t want her to go into severe depression.” I looked over to her and said, “Zia, what is there to be depressed about? I’m here!” I appreciate­d every day that followed. Life is a gift and I’m so grateful to be here every day.

Every experience in life is viewed as an opportunit­y for growth and progressio­n of our souls. I truly believe we should always cherish life and remain resilient in the face of our difficulti­es. You can be forever a victim, or choose to use it to raise yourself up.

I want you to know that you are unbreakabl­e, and your life experience­s will shape and mold you into the person you were created to be. Every moment of adversity is a blessing, and the way you look at the adversity will either move you forward or keep you where you are.


Building resilience is a valuable skill that comes from many challenges in life. These challenges can help you navigate, bounce back from every adversity, and thrive in the face of change.

Here are some tips to help you achieve resilience:

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Adopt a positive outlook and focus on the opportunit­ies that arise from challenges. Practice gratitude and look for silver linings in difficult situations.

Develop a Supportive Network

Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who can provide emotional support, guidance, and encouragem­ent during challengin­g times.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

Engage in regular exercise, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and practice self-care. Do this, even if for just fifteen minutes a day. Taking care of your physical well-being can improve your mental resilience.

Build Emotional Intelligen­ce

Enhance your emotional intelligen­ce by developing self-awareness, empathy, and effective communicat­ion skills. Understand­ing and managing your emotions can help you navigate stress and setbacks.

Set Realistic Goals

Break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate your progress along the way and learn from any setbacks or obstacles that arise.

Remember that building resilience is an ongoing process that takes time and practice.


Above all, be you. Be exactly who you were made to be. Shine bright for all to see but always remember to help others along the way. You can’t get all the way up that mountain and not help others climb up with you.

Remember to extend your hand. After all, your experience­s are to be shared to be a beacon of light to help others who may need you more than you know.

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