Inuit Art Quarterly



$100,000 RBC Foundation $10,000–$25,000

First Arts

Herb and Cece Schreiber


John and Joyce Price K. Richardson


Rene Balcer

Susan Carter

Andrew Chodos, in memory of

Ted and Toni Chodos

Hugh Hall

Joram Piatigorsk­y and one anonymous donor


Christophe­r Bredt and Jamie


David & Liz Macdonald

The Michael And Sonja Koerner

Charitable Foundation

The Radlett Foundation


Adventure Canada

Paul and Ellen Alkon

Blair Assaly

Shary Boyle

Yvonne C. Condell

Donald and Pat Dodds Marian Dodds, in honour of

Dedie Dodds

Eleanor Erikson

Fath Group/O'Hanlon Paving Patricia Feheley

Harald Finkler and Nadine


Janice Gonsalves

Goring Family Foundation Inuit Art Society

Monty Kehl and

Craig Wilbanks

Charles Kingsley

Katarina Kupca

Christie MacInnes

Heather McNab

Kathryn Minard

Westcheste­r Community

Foundation, Bell-Jacoby Fund Susan A. Ollila

Constance Pathy

PCL Constructo­rs Canada Inc Ann Posen, in honour of

David Braidberg

Alysa Procida and

Kevin Stewart

Shirley Richardson

Celine Saucier

Harriet Stairs

David Forrest

Barbara J Turner

Jaan Whitehead


James Bader

Vincent and Barbara Barresi Jurg and Christel Bieri

Patricia Bovey

Woody Brown and

Christa Ouimet, in memory of Susan Oster

Kaaren and Julian Brown

Tobi Bruce

Cowley Abbott Canadian Fine Art K+D (Kalaman + Demetriou) Neil Devitt

Peter and Irena Dixon, in

memory of Philip Igloliorte Arthur Drache and Judy Young Jon and Val Eliassen

Lyyli Elliott

Leah Erickson, in honour of all

Inuit artists

Britt Gallpen and Travis


Molly K. Heines & Thomas J.


Carola Kaegi

Alex Krawczyk

Simon Lappi

Ann & Michael Lesk

Mary Kostman, in honour of

Jennifer Kilabuk

P. McKeown

Allan Newell

Danielle Ouimet, in memory

of Trista Wong Smye

Louisa Pauyungie Sr

Paul Pizzolante

Mark Richardson

Meridian Credit Union

Michael and Melanie Southern David Sproule, in honour of

Jean Katherine Sproule

Ellen Taubman

The Power Foundation Marie-Josée Therrien

Gail Vanstone

Nicholas Wattson

Catherine Wilkes, in honour of

David Wilkes

Norman Zepp and Judith Varga and one anonymous donor


James Abel, in honour of

Xanthipi Abel

Nak Alariaq

John & Sylvia Aldrich


Shelley Ambrose

Sandra Barz

Susan Baum

Matthew Bradley-Swan Stephen Bulger

Aaron Cain

Catherine Campbell

Mary F. Campbell, in honour of

Billy Gauthier

Jeffrey Cobb, in memory of

Justin Lyman Cobb, III

Jane Coppenrath

Rob Craigie


Kate Doorly

Sophie Dorais

Alana Faber

Yvonne and David Fleck

Alain Fournier

Susan Gallpen

Peter Gardner

The Gas Company

Paul Gemmiti

Andrew Gotowiec

Gillian Graham

Mark Gustafson

Erik Haites

Ian Harvey

Shawn Hassell

Carol Heppenstal­l

Charles Hilton

Chuck Hudson

Heather Igloliorte and

Matthew Brulotte

Lou Jungheim and Thalia Nicas, in memory of Francine Rosenberg

Joyce Keltie

Nancy Keppelman and

Michael Smerza

Rawlson O'Neil King

Luigi Ruffolo

Ellen Lehman and

Charles Kennel

Val K. Lem

Linda Lewis

Lois Loewen

Michael Martens, in memory of

Miriam Bordofsky

Paul Mayer

Nancy Moore

Scott Mullin

Michael J. Noone

Suzanne O'Hara

Maria Parsons

Robin and David Procida

Ryan Rice

Sandy Riley

Bruce Roberts

Joseph Salkowitz, DMD

Paula Santrach

Ron Senungetuk

Mari Shantz

Elizabeth Steinbruec­k

Colleen Suche

Cedar Bradley-Swan

Jacek Szulc

Peter Tassia and Maija Lutz Charles and Carol Tator

The Pemsel Case Foundation,

in honour of Jamie Cameron Hunter and Valerie Thompson Jay and Deborah Thomson Carol Thrun, MD

Robert C and Judith Toll

Ann Tompkins

James and Louise Vesper Galerie d'art Vincent

William Webster

Mark and Margie Zivin and two anonymous donors

[2 , 1 unrestrict­ed]


Amy Adams

Manasiah Paniloo Akpaliapik Lea Algar-Moscoe

Eleanor Allgood

Mary Anglim

Sarah Ashton, in honour of

Sharon Allen

Anne-Claude Bacon

Don and Anne Badke

Catherine Badke

Eric Barnum

Pamella & Charles Binder, in

honour of C Alan Hudson III Catherine Birt

Terry & Donna Bladholm Francois Boucher, in memory of

Peter Pitseolak

Shirley Brown, in honour of

Christa Ouimet

Freda and Irwin Browns Lisa-Margaret S. Bryan

David Burns

Shelley Chochinov

Nancy Cleman

Linda Cleman

Carol Cole, in honour of

Billy Gauthier

Raymond F. Currie

Fred and Mary Cutler

Brian Davies

Celia Denov

Urmi Desai

Nadine Di Monte

François Dumaine

Hélène Dussault and

Louis Hanrahan

Leslie E. Eisenberg

Melanie Egan

Pat English

Lynne and John Eramo

Keith Evans

Lynn Feasey

Shirley Finfrock

Barbara Fischer

Ellen Fraser

Ed Friedman

John Geoghegan

Anik Glaude

Carole Gobeil

Claire S. Gold

Peter Gold and Athalie Joy Deborah D. Gordon

Nelson Graburn, in memory of

Taiara and Ituvik from Salluit Carol Gray

Linda Grussani

Susan and Victor Gustavison Barbara Hale

Andrea Hamilton

John A. Hanjian

James M. Harris

Dianne Hayman

Janet Heagle

Ingo Hessel

David Wilson and Patricia Hinton

Albert and Femmeke Holthuis Richard Horder

Dale Horwitz

Warren Howard

Andrew Hubbertz

Jacqueline Hynes indiGem Inc. in honour of

Mathew Nuqingaq

Phil Ivanoff

Lynn Jackson, in honour of

Paula Jackson

Drs Laurence and Katherine Jacobs Amy Jenkins

Joel and Evelyn Umlas

Sharon Jorgens

John and Johanna Kassenaar Randy Lazarus

Patrick Beland

Kenneth R. Lister

Daryl Logan

Louise Logan

Dr. Marie A. Loyer

Simone Ludlow

Blandina Attaarjuaq Makkik

and Greg Rogers

Priya Mani

George Marcus

Elaine and Neil Margolis

Susan Marrier

William Mather

Elizabeth McKeown

McKinnon Household

Tess McLean, in memory of

Christian Gunnar Saare Mary-Ann Metrick, in honour of

Cécile Metrick

Robert Michaud

Stephen Morris, in memory of

Aqjangayuk Shaa

Margaret Morse

Meredith Mozer

Barbara Myslinski

Gary Nelson

Louisa L. O'Reilly

Donna & Hal Olsen

Carole Ouimet

Louie Palu, in memory of

Fiorina and Giuseppe Palu Kara Pearce

Doreen Peever

Ed Pien, in memory of Tim

Pitsiulak and Jutai Toonoo Steve Potocny and Anne


Prue Rains, in honour of

Marybelle Mitchell

Blaine Rapp, in honour of

Helen Mary Rapp

Bayard D. Rea

Leslie Reid

Timothy Reinig

Jim Renner, in memory of

Norah Renner

Eva Riis-Culver

Marcia Rioux

Mark Rittenhous­e

Michael L Foreman and

Leslie Roden-Foreman Robert Rosenbaum

Susan Rowley

Judith Rycus

Alexa Samuels

Joanne Schmidt, in loving

memory of Gail Schmidt Jeffrey Seidman

Paul Shackel

Mark Shiner

Seiko Shirafuji

Janet Shute

Susan Simpson

Liz Smeloff

Carmine Starnino

Phil Tinmouth & Brit Dewey Tundra North Tours

Anne Vagi

Teri Vakenti

Peter Van Brunt

Rod Wacowich, in memory of

Lorraine Neill

Mary Jo Watson

Lowell Waxman

Ann and Marshall Webb Claude M. Weil, in honour of

Jim Shirley

Peggy Weller

Leslie Saxon West

Scott White

Judy Willson

Judy Wolfe

Bea Zizlavsky and 8 anonymous donors [3 ,1 ]

Up to $99

Bea Alvarez

Susan Anthony

Judy Archer, in memory of

Sarah Prince Archer Bruce Bauer

Heather Beecroft

Catherine Black

Maegen Black

Michael Boland

Simon Brascoupé

Claire Christophe­r

Janna Hiemstra

Barbara Dalziel

Autumn Diaz

Jean Dickinson

Leanne Di Monte

Janette Doering

Lynn Enright

Katharine W Fernstrom Karen and George Gorsline Susan Griswold

Alissa Hamilton

Kathryn Hanna

Beatrice Hanson, in memory

of Cesare Ansovini

Mary Hanson

Tekla Harms

Clive Harvey

Anne Hearn

Petra Holler

Brittany Holliss

Anna Holmes

James Igloliorte

Emily Jolliffe

Melinda Josie

Gwen Kerr, in honour of

Germaine Arnaktauyo­k

Peter Kovacik

Nadia Kurd

Benoit Labelle

Carol Lampert

Mary Lawrence Breinig

David Lee

Marion Lord

Norma Lundberg

Catherine Madsen

Samia Madwar, in memory of

Hazar Sawaf

Michelle McGeough

Verena Mereb

Joanna Miazga

Suzanne F. Nash

Susan Newlove

Kate Permut

Marie Peron

Marilyn Robinson

Kerstin Roger

Irene Rokaw and John Reese Anita Romaniuk

Mark Rostrup, in honour of

Paula Rostrup

Lise Rousson-Morneau

Kevin Rush

Allan R. Sampson

Nicholas Sappington

Evelyn R. Savitzky

Claude Schryer

Kathryn Scott

Patricia Scott

Sharon Shafii

Elika Shapiro

Home & Away Gallery

Scenery Slater

Muriel Smith

Charmaine Spencer

Ann Sprayregen

Gray and Margaret, in honour of

Erik Haites

Elizabeth P. Ball, in honour of

Thomas G. Fowler

Bertha K. Thompson

Kitty Thorne

Emilie Tremblay

Darlene Tymn

Charles M. Voirin

Larysa Voss

Nancy Walkling, in memory of

Frank Walkling

John Weber

Sarah Whelchel

Amanda Whitney

Michael Wiles

Catherine Wolf-Becker,

in honour of Erik Haites and 6 anonymous donors [1 ]

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