Inuit Art Quarterly

Without you, there would be no IAQ


The Inuit Ar t Quarterly helps to bring untold stories to light, and helps artists gain new visibility. One of the most basic ways for artists to access opportunit­ies is by maintainin­g complete, profession­al biographie­s of their career accomplish­ments. However, Inuit artists have long been discourage­d from maintainin­g their own biographie­s: of the 13,000 Inuit artists working today, only 4% have up-to-date, complete biographie­s. With your donations, the IAQ Profiles is helping to fill this gap.

Because of the incredible donors below, 117 new ar tists will have up-to-date, complete biographie­s in the coming months. Thank you to First Arts for supporting this campaign with matching funds, and to all the generous donors listed below. Thank you!

Paul and Ellen Alkon

James Bader

Susan Baum

Michael Boland

Woody Brown and Christa Ouimet Kaaren and Julian Brown Lisa-Margaret S. Bryan

Stephen Bulger

Jeffrey Cobb, in memory of

Justin Cobb III

Jane Coppenrath

Rob Craigie

Brian Davies

Leanne Di Monte

Nadine Di Monte

Donald and Pat Dodds

Sophie Dorais


Hélène Dussault and

Louise Hanrahan

Jon and Val Eliassen

Lyyli Elliott

Keith Evans

Patricia Feheley

Ellen Fraser

The Gas Company

The Goring Family Foundation Erik Haites

First Arts

John A. Hanjian

Kathryn Hanna

Ian Harvey

Dianne Hayman

Molly K. Heines and

Thomas J. Moloney Charles Hilton

Richard Horder

Phil Ivanoff

Louis Jungheim and

Thalia Nicas, in honour of Francine Rosenberg Charles Kingsley

Katarina Kupca

Daryl Logan

George Marcus

Elaine and Neil Margolis William Mather

Kathryn Minard

Louisa L. O'Reilly

Kara Pearce

Ed Pien, in memory of Tim

Pitsiulak and Jutai Toonoo John and Joyce Price

Jim Renner, in honour of

Nora Renner

Joanne Schmidt, in loving

memory of Gail Schmidt Patricia Scott

Robert C. and Judith Toll Peter Tassia and Maija Lutz Marie-Josée Therrien

Ann Tompkins

Emilie Tremblay

James and Louise Vesper

Artists today are working in different mediums and exploring different topics in their work. I’m excited to join the IAF Board of Directors and work with other members of the Inuit art community to help artists. I was supported early in my career through Inuit Art Foundation programs and I would like to thank the IAF for the years of support they have given to me. I look forward to working with them to support a new generation of artists. What is more important than keeping the culture alive through the arts?” MICHAEL MASSIE, CM, RCA

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