Inuit Art Quarterly

A Digital Platform for Dialogue


Curated and commission­ed by the Inuit Art Foundation, the Arctic Arts Summit’s digital platform invites the world to engage with artists and organizati­ons across the circumpola­r North—and to extend conversati­ons beyond the 2022 event. New content is published regularly, so check back often to ArcticArts­ and on social media to receive a rich variety of content, from artist interviews and profiles to essays, artist projects and a special series of guest-curated Spotlights directly in your inbox.

Panel Discussion Highlights

Enjoy the 2022 Arctic Art Summit from the comfort of your home! Catch up on these timely and important conversati­ons:

• Voices from the Land: Artists Speak.

• North to North: New Directions for a Collaborat­ive Future.

• Status Report: Decolonizi­ng Arts Institutio­ns.

• And many more!

Looking Forward

The Knowledge Creators Next program brought together northern Indigenous postsecond­ary students, young activists and emerging profession­als to reflect on and respond on their experience­s of the gathering:

• Community Connection­s as Creative Inspiratio­n

Coming together and reigniting creativity

• The Power of Language

How language revitaliza­tion and protection connect us to our culture

• Drawing Strength from Community

Communicat­ion, self advocacy and management in the arts field

• And many more!

Guest-curated Circumpola­r Spotlights

Showcasing projects, stories and initiative­s across the global Arctic, these online Spotlights highlight Indigenous and other northern voices in the arts, foreground­ing connection and exchange across the circumpola­r world:

• A Portrait of Northern Sweden’s Vibrant Artistic Ecosystem

Profiles, projects and essays from Norrbot ten, Västerbot ten and Sápmi

• History, Memory and Community at the Yukon Arts Centre

Recent projects and collaborat­ions in support of the Yukon’s diverse artistic communitie­s

• An Introducti­on to the Art and Culture of Kalaallit Nunaat

Greenlandi­c approaches to research, music, art, dance and more

• And many more!

 ?? ?? TOP
Erica Dee Mah at the Theatre
in the Bush event during the Arctic Arts Summit in Whitehorse, YT, on June 29
TOP Erica Dee Mah at the Theatre in the Bush event during the Arctic Arts Summit in Whitehorse, YT, on June 29
Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) performs at the Theatre in the
Bush event
© COURTESY YUKON ARTS CENTRE PHOTO MIKE THOMAS ABOVE (LEFT) Hans-Henrik Suersaq Poulsen of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) performs at the Theatre in the Bush event
Home tanned moose hide, canvas, lynx fur, beads, traditiona­l Sámi trim and nylon thread
33 × 14 × 26.7 cm (each)
COURTESY YUKON PERMANENT COLLECTION © THE ARTIST ABOVE (RIGHT) Karrie Brown — Moose Hide Mukluks 2018 Home tanned moose hide, canvas, lynx fur, beads, traditiona­l Sámi trim and nylon thread 33 × 14 × 26.7 cm (each)

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