Journal Pioneer

Stop the killing

Car tour stops in Summerside with goal of ending Falun Gong persecutio­n


Practition­ers of Falun Gong, an ancient Chinese spiritual discipline, are being killed for organ harvesting in China, claims the members who were in Summerside on a cross-country tour this week.

Emily Huang refused to give up her belief, even if that meant physical torture.

Practition­ers of Falun Gong, an ancient Chinese spiritual discipline that focuses on truthfulne­ss, compassion, and tolerance, are being killed for organ harvesting in China, she claims. Huang maintains she was forced into labour at a Chinese detention centre due to her practise.

While there, she, along with many other people, worked 16-hour days, and endured torture, which at times resulted in death. “I didn’t want to give up my belief, so they beat me,” said Huang. For eight consecutiv­e days and nights, her hands were tied behind her back, she said. Huang and other Canadian Falun Gong practition­ers were in Summerside Tuesday outside of City Hall. They are travelling through Canada to gather signatures and urge the country to call for an end to the persecutio­ns. Jeffrey Sun with the Falun Gong car tour said four groups, since the beginning of July until the end of the month, will be stopping in more than 250 cities to spread the word. “As we speak, people could be dying in China,” he said. Sun said people they have talked to are alarmed to learn of what is happening with China’s organ harvesting. He refers to it as a religious persecutio­n, started by former Chinese president Jiang Zemin in 1999.

“We visit local mayors and urge them to pass a resolution in support of the cause, and we deliver petitions to members of Parliament to read in the House of Commons.”

The car tour release states more than 200,000 people who practise Falun Gong have filed criminal complaints against Zemin to China’s Supreme Court. The group alleges that upwards of 1.5 million people may have been killed since 2000. Carol Arsenault from Summerside said she was shocked to hear about what the organizati­on’s members told her before she signed the petition.

“I can’t imagine living through something like that,” she said.

“Murder for profit – we don’t hear about that on P.E.I. I wish them well.”

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