Journal Pioneer

First on scene

Summerside man recalls finding woman giving birth in stranded vehicle 60 years ago


Milford Clow was one of the first people to meet little Cindy Gale Davison after she was born in a Volkswagon Beetle 60 years ago.

Milford Clow, 88, opened his Journal Pioneer on Feb. 27 to see a familiar face – though it took him a few minutes to realize it.

It had, after all, been 60 years. Monday’s edition featured the story of Cindy Gale Davison, a B.C. woman who is celebratin­g her birthday on March 22. Davison was born in a Volkswagen beetle, stuck in a snowdrift during a storm in 1957. The car was half way between what was then CFB Summerside (now Slemon Park) and where the St. Eleanors Irving is now. Clow was overjoyed to see Davison’s story because he was there when it happened.

A cook for many years at the Air Force base, Clow and some fellow civilian employees had set out that morning to get to work, when their car also got stuck on the highway. When they got out of the car to try and dig it out, they realized another vehicle was also stuck nearby. Clow walked over to it and heard someone in pain. He opened the door and found Davison’s mother in labour. Her father had gone to find help.

Clow ran back to his companions to tell them what was going on. By the time they got back to the Davison’s car, Cnindy had been born.

Clow left again to find help but Davison’s father had already reached assistance and he soon noticed a plow and ambulance making its way towards them. The next day, Clow brought Davison’s mother breakfast at the base’s medical centre. “I made her eggs,” said Clow. “I went into the room and I said ‘Do you remember me?’ She said ‘I remember you.’” Clow is hoping to get in touch with Davison and catch up.

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 ?? COLIN MACLEAN/TC MEDIA ?? Milford Clow is with a recent copy of the Journal Pioneer featuring the story of Cindy Gale Davison’s birth in a car, stuck in a Summerside snowbank. Clow was there 60 years ago when Davison was born.
COLIN MACLEAN/TC MEDIA Milford Clow is with a recent copy of the Journal Pioneer featuring the story of Cindy Gale Davison’s birth in a car, stuck in a Summerside snowbank. Clow was there 60 years ago when Davison was born.

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