Journal Pioneer

Yoga! Yoga! Yoga!


In the 1978 movie “Animal House,” “Toga! Toga! Toga!” was Bluto’s call for his fraternity to throw a party. e goal? To help a younger frat member, Flounder (Stephen Furst), climb out of his depression after Bluto (John Belushi) and friends wrecked his car. According to today’s research, however, the crew at Delta Tau Chi could have raised his spirits by doing Yoga! Yoga! Yoga! Investigat­ors at Columbia University and Harvard University have found that practicing yoga and coherent breathing three times a week lowers symptoms of depression in folks with major depressive disorders and that three times a week is a lot more e ective than doing yoga just twice a week. Plus, the yoga was equally e ective in easing symptoms of depression for folks taking antidepres­sants as those with depression who were not on medication.

e researcher’s study, published in The Journal of Alternativ­e and Complement­ary Medicine, used the practice of Iyengar yoga – a form of hatha yoga that uses precision posture alignment and breath control – for 12 weeks in a well-supervised environmen­t with a good instructor.

So, if you’re dealing with chronic depression or even just a temporary bout of the blues, seek out a local yoga center. Also, take a look at “Everyday Yoga” at And if you have other health concerns, always check with your doc before starting any exercise regimen.

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