Journal Pioneer

Weight lifting can be part of healthy lifestyle at any age

- Dr. Megan McDonald

Throughout the years as a personal trainer training clients, and as a chiropract­or treating patients, I have continuall­y been astonished by the number of times a new client or patient has stated, “Oh, I think my pain is just a part of ageing,” or, “I’m probably too old to lift weights and exercise.”

As a health profession­al who has spent close to a decade in university studying how the body works, moves, and functions, head to toe, these comments cause me to pause and reflect on why these perception­s exist in society, especially, in my experience, among our senior population.

In my practice in Toronto, and now here in Summerside, I have witnessed first-hand how being physically active and strength training can truly change people’s lives.

Weight lifting has become increasing­ly popular over the past decade. What once may have been perceived to be a narcissist­ic, self-indulgent practice, lifting heavy things over and over again, with no real end point other than to build big, hulking muscles, has generally become more accepted in society as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

So, why should our seniors invest valuable time and energy in donning their sneakers and sweatbands to head to their local gym to “pump iron”? 1. Bone Health Osteoporos­is (OP) is a disease that causes bones to lose their density, and become weaker and more fragile over time. OP is often known as “the silent thief” as bone loss typically occurs without any symptoms. According to osteoporos­is. ca, fractures from OP are more common than heart attack, stroke, and breast cancer combined. The numbers are alarming; one in three women, and one in five men, will suffer an osteoporot­ic fracture during their lifetime. As Canadians, we drink a heck of a lot of milk.

Turns out that calcium isn’t the magic key to preventing OP… iron is. The kind you lift. Tons of studies and research have proven that weight training not only improves bone density, but also improves strength, balance and muscle mass, which can also decrease your risk of OP and OP fractures.

2. Muscle Retention Sarcopenia is the involuntar­y loss of muscle as we age. This process begins around the age of 40, and continues its downward spiral each year after, on a steep decline. The effects of sarcopenia are somewhat frightenin­g; it leads to decreased strength and stability, decreased mobility, and increased risk of disability and even mortality. Heavy. But there is good news! Sarcopenia can be countered by lifting something … something heavy. Resistance training, or weight lifting, can actually reverse the effects of sarcopenia, and truly set back your biological clock by years. Some of the other benefits seniors can expect from weight training include: improved walking, ease with everyday activities, relief from arthritis pain, weight loss, and prevention of fractures.

3. Maintainin­g independen­ce If anyone has ever attended, or snuck a peak at my twitter or Facebook pictures, you would notice that two of my “regular” class-goers are two other blonde McDonald women: my mother and my grandmothe­r. At 52, and 74 respective­ly, they are arguably more fit now than they have ever been.

Obviously the health benefits of lifting weights are the main reason for their participat­ion, but this will also decrease the time that I will have to take care of them in the future, as they will be independen­t for far longer because of their strength, stability and fitness.

As C.S. Lewis stated, “You are never to told to set a new goal, or to dream a new dream.” When you are ready to set a new goal, or dream a new dream, I am ready to help.

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