Journal Pioneer

Measuring energy use

New online tool launched to help Islanders reduce costs


A new online tool has been launched in P.E.I. aimed at helping Islanders reduce their energy use.

The MyEnergyXp­ert platform is a website that allows residents and businesses to measure their current energy consumptio­n by inputting informatio­n about their fuel and power usage. The website then uses the informatio­n to offer suggestion­s on improvemen­ts or changes to reduce unnecessar­y energy use or waste and, in turn, find savings. The technology was developed by the Toronto-based company energyX Solutions, which was contracted by the province to develop this tool for P.E.I.

“It empowers homes and businesses to do three key things: lower their energy usage, it helps them save money while doing so and helps them lower their carbon footprint,” said Nishaant Sangaavi, CEO of energyX Solutions.

“The platform is licensed by utilities, energy retailers, organizati­ons like Efficiency P.E.I., who

then customize it, configure it and roll it out to their customers and their residence base with the entire idea to facilitate energy conservati­on.” Islanders who log onto the website will be asked questions such as what kind of lights they use, what appliances they own, building insulation levels, and also their postal code and building type.

Sangaavi says this informatio­n is then combined with the platform’s algorithms to determine an individual­ized energy savings plan. But the informatio­n is also being used by the province to gather data about Islanders’ energy habits.

Mike Proud, manager of Efficiency P.E.I., said the informatio­n could be used to help the province customize its incentive programs or target specialize­d programmin­g where trends are identified.

Energy Minister Paula Biggar stressed the province’s privacy laws would safeguard any personal informatio­n gathered through this tool.

“We will certainly not be sharing that informatio­n with anyone,” she said, adding the private company that owns the technology for this web tool has signed a contract that includes adherence to P.E.I.’s Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy legislatio­n.

The two-year contract between the province and energyX Solutions cost less than $20,000. Biggar says it’s more about “bragging rights” for the company to be able to launch a customized product it developed provincewi­de. “Ultimately it’s way to entice Islanders to save on their energy consumptio­n because there’s a lot ways that, by doing some small improvemen­ts, can certainly impact on their energy costs,” Biggar said. Islanders can access MyEnergyXp­ert for free by visiting pei.myenergyxp­

 ?? 5&3&4" 83*()5 5)& (6"3%*"/ ?? Nishaant Sangaavi, CEO of energyX Solutions, explains how the MyEnergyXp­ert platform will help Island residents and businesses measure their energy use and find ways to make changes to lower their carbon footprint.
5&3&4" 83*()5 5)& (6"3%*"/ Nishaant Sangaavi, CEO of energyX Solutions, explains how the MyEnergyXp­ert platform will help Island residents and businesses measure their energy use and find ways to make changes to lower their carbon footprint.

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