Journal Pioneer

Effecting change will take a community


In the last few weeks, there has been an explosion of allegation­s of sexual assault and abuse in the U. S. Women are speaking out in droves about the harassment they experience­d in the workplace. Finally, attention is being given to this issue that is long overdue. My question is, are we up to the task here on P. E. I. or are we still going to keep hiding and not doing anything about it because we might make some people look bad? People who sexually abuse children and assault women are criminals.

It is a crime under our federal laws; so there is no question that this type of behaviour is not acceptable.

Speaking out does not mean you have to go public or press charges against anyone. Speaking out can be as simple as admitting that it happened; talk to your friends, your spouse, your siblings, anyone who will listen and respect you. Talking openly about such an experience is one of the hardest things anyone can do. Why? Because as a society we still judge the victim, we try to keep them quiet because this issue is so ugly. Most people agree that sexual assault and abuse are horrendous, but not many speak out about it. There is a huge discussion in the U. S. right now about acceptable behaviour. Many strong women are talking about how sexual harassment altered their lives and their careers.

I can attest to that; my childhood developmen­t, my career and my ability to have healthy relationsh­ips was drasticall­y altered and it changed my life completely. Most perpetrato­rs are men, however I know there are a lot of good men on this Island. If you are a father to a daughter, ask yourself, “Do I want my daughter to be safe from this type of behaviour?” Then take action.

It does not necessaril­y mean to speak out publicly, but if you are in a group of male friends, and one makes a sexist comment about women, call them out. Tell them that type of talk is no longer acceptable. Women can speak out but it will take both men and women to create a safe future for everyone.

Anne Gallant, Kensington

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