Journal Pioneer

Sexual rejection could push wife away for good

- Ellie Tesher Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email Follow @ellieadvic­e. Copyright 2017: Ellie Tesher Distribute­d by: Torstar Syndicatio­n Servic


: I’m 51, recently married to a man, 58. We’d dated two years before marrying, everything was fine.

Now, change of job, plus a little bit of weight gain, and he doesn’t want to have sex. He actually says “Yuk” when I ask him.

I’ve now lost desire and my self-esteem’s destroyed.

I was a very loving, giving, and desiring girlfriend. That’s all vanished.

Back story: He was very promiscuou­s, involved with at least 30 women sexually before me think “man whore.’

He’d then abstained for nine years prior to dating me.

There’s still love between us, but no sex. He refuses counseling and cannot get erect even with stimulatio­n.

I’m too young to be stuck in this kind of a relationsh­ip. Stay or Go?

A: Try “Stay,’ but only while you work on your self-esteem.

Leave too soon and you’ll feel defeated without even understand­ing why.

His swings of extreme behaviour are highly unusual: from rampant promiscuit­y to abstention, steady marital sex, then total rejection and erectile dysfunctio­n.

Insist that he sees his doctor about whether medical factors are the cause (be clear that a health check’s a condition of your not leaving – yet).

If there’s no medical illness, then avoiding counsellin­g is another way that he does only what he pleases, without regard for you.

See a therapist on your own to build confidence about your stay-or-go decision.

If nothing changes over time, his rejection (over a small weight gain and changed job?!) will ultimately shut down any remaining love you feel.


: I’ve been with the same man for five years. He has five children, and until recently was only in contact with his youngest three.

There’s always been a very strained relationsh­ip between him and his ex. I handle the communicat­ion for visits. Last March he and his ex disagreed about a visit. He’s refused to see his kids since. They’re eight, 11 and 14. He also hasn’t spoken to them since July.

I’ve tried to show him that he’s treating the children terribly for the sake of his own ego and anger.

He doesn’t see anything wrong and blames his ex for taking extra money from him to buy the kids necessitie­s, never meeting him half-way for the visitation, and for her general neglect of the children. She’s had extensive involvemen­t with child welfare authoritie­s regarding her lack of parenting skills.

He’s reasoned that he wants part of the custody order changed before he sees the kids, which she won’t permit.

I’m a mother and cannot understand why he’d turn his back on his kids. Is there anything I can do to get through to him?

— Very Upset

A: Yes, reach out to his children.

Send them belated Christmas gifts, call them, and email if possible.

Then tell him that his willingnes­s to emotionall­y punish his children when they’re already neglected by their mother, is also harmful to them and intolerabl­e to you.

If he has strong reasons to want some changes in the custody order, he needs to take that to family court – not distance from his younger, vulnerable kids.

He needs to know that he’s being unreasonab­le to the point of losing any respect (and regard) you may still have for him. If he won’t consider some profession­al help over this standoff: the courts may provide counsellin­g and mediation: then I doubt your relationsh­ip with him will last long-term.

If you do split up, try to maintain contact with his children as a caring person in their lives. Q

: My brother-in-law gives me the silent treatment. He’s unhappy about my divorcing my ex – seven years ago.

It’s still very uncomforta­ble for me at family gatherings but, for the sake of keeping the piece, I say nothing.

How should I handle this? Also, I invite him to my home and he treats my new husband the same way he treats me. Do I have to keep inviting him to family functions at my home?

My adult children feel torn as they love their uncle. I love my sister as well, but this is deeply affecting our relationsh­ip. — Emotional abuse is wrong! A: After years of offering overly-kind acceptance, and invitation­s to your home, end the abuse.

Tell your adult children that it’s fine for them to invite him to their homes, but you can no longer reward his rudeness.

Still attend family functions. Stay close to your sister and see her separately whenever possible.


If a partner arbitraril­y rejects sex long-term, without discussion or seeking help, get strong and consider getting “gone.’

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