Journal Pioneer

When Lyme disease lingers

- Drs. Oz and Roizen

On a “Seinfeld” episode, Jerry has given Kramer his spare keys, but keeps finding Kramer in his apartment at inopportun­e times. Finally, Jerry brings a date home, only to see Kramer and his girlfriend emerging from his bedroom. “All right, that’s it. Hand ‘em over,” says Jerry. Finally, Kramer agrees to, but threatens, “You’re going to regret this.” Probably not! Ushering out a “guest” who just won’t leave is the same as KO-ing a stubborn bacterial infection and restoring your good health. But what if you are infected with a bacteria that just won’t go? Turns out, that’s sometimes the case with the Lyme disease bacteria.

A study in PlosOne reveals that the infection can linger after you’ve taken long-term antibiotic­s and tests show you’re OK (even though you keep feeling lousier and lousier). That’s because it’s possible for Lyme bacteria to survive the typical 28-day course of antibiotic­s. In fact, surviving bacteria can migrate to organs like the heart and brain, even when tests for the bacteria show negative results.

So, if you’ve been treated for Lyme disease and fatigue, joint pain, confusion, numbness, heart problems or other hard-to-figure-out symptoms persist, you’re not crazy! Your symptoms well might be related to a continuing Lyme infection. Make sure your doc does another blood test, and that you aren’t misdiagnos­ed with some other disease. It may be that Lyme is the cause of your symptoms and you need continued, aggressive treatment(s) such as IV antibiotic­s or other therapies for arthritis or neurologic­al conditions.

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