Journal Pioneer

Trump wants military to secure border with Mexico


President Donald Trump said Tuesday he wants to use the military to secure the U.S.-Mexico border until his promised border wall is built.

Speaking during a visit with Baltic leaders, Trump said he’s been discussing the idea with his Defence Secretary, Jim Mattis.

“We’re going to be doing things militarily. Until we can have a wall and proper security, we’re going to be guarding our border with the military,’’ he said, calling the measure a “big step’’ that had rarely been done before.

Federal law prohibits the use of active duty service members for law enforcemen­t inside the U.S., unless specifical­ly authorized by Congress. But over the past 12 years, presidents have twice sent National Guard troops to the border to bolster security and assist with surveillan­ce and other support.

The White House counsel’s office has been working on the idea for several weeks.

Trump has been deeply frustrated about the lack of progress building what was the signature promise of his campaign: a “big, beautiful wall’’ along the Mexican border. He’s previously suggested using the Pentagon’s budget to pay for building the wall, arguing it is a national security priority, despite strict rules that prohibit spending that’s not authorized by Congress.

The Department of Homeland Security and White House did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment. At the Pentagon, officials were struggling to answer questions about the plan, including rudimentar­y details on whether it would involve National Guard members, as similar programs in the past have done.

But officials appeared to be considerin­g a model similar to a 2006 operation in which former President Bush deployed National Guard troops to the southern border in an effort to increase security and surveillan­ce. Under Operation Jump Start, 6,000 National Guard troops were sent to assist border patrol with non-law enforcemen­t duties while additional border agents were hired and trained. Over the two years, about 29,000 National Guard forces participat­ed in the missions, as forces rotated in and out.

Active duty U.S. troops weren’t used for the operation because legal prohibitio­ns.

In addition, President Barack Obama sent about 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border in 2010 to beef up efforts to battle drug smuggling and illegal immigratio­n.

Texas has also deployed military forces to its 800-mile border with Mexico. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, now serving as Trump’s energy secretary, ordered the deployment of 1,000 Texas National Guardsmen to the Rio Grande Valley in summer 2014 in response to a sharp rise in the numbers of Central American children crossing the border alone.

White House officials were scheduled to meet later Tuesday with DHS border security personnel and attorneys to discuss further details, according to a White House official speaking on condition of anonymity. The White House counsel’s office has been working on the issue for some time, the person said..

The Posse Comitatus Act, passed after the Civil War, is the main federal law prohibitin­g the use of American service members in law enforcemen­t, unless specifical­ly authorized by Congress. Trump’s comments came a day after administra­tion officials announced they were crafting a new legislativ­e package aimed at closing immigratio­n “loopholes’’ and Trump called on Republican lawmakers to immediatel­y pass a border bill using the “Nuclear Option if necessary’’ to muscle it through, as part of a flurry of tweets on the subject over the last several days.

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