Journal Pioneer

Strike causes French railway chaos, with more to come


A major French railway strike brought the country’s famed high-speed trains to a halt Tuesday, leaving passengers stranded or scrambling for other options — and posing the biggest test so far of President Emmanuel Macron’s economic strategy.

The SNCF national rail authority said only about 12 per cent of trains were running during the first of a series of weekly two-day strikes that labour unions have called for the next three months.

Rail service is expected to remain “very disturbed’’ Wednesday, with 86 per cent of trains cancelled nationwide, according to forecasts from state-owned SNCF.

Internatio­nal traffic also will be reduced for a second day from Paris to London and between France and Germany, SNCF predicted. No trains are expected to be operating between France and Italy, Spain and Switzerlan­d, the railway company said.

The strike’s impact immediatel­y was visible on Tuesday .Passengers hitched rides on traffic-clogged roads and shared travel tips online.

At the Gare de Lyon station in eastern Paris, platforms were so packed that commuters spilled over onto the tracks as they waited for infrequent trains. Two people were injured, including a woman in the head, according to SNCF manager Alain Krakovitch. Commuters expressed anger at the overall situation, but were not necessaril­y taking sides.

“Really this is catastroph­ic. Something needs to be done. We are the victims. We haven’t done anything. We need to get to work like everyone else,’’ Aziza Fleris, 56, said.

“I was really positive this morning, but now — you should have seen what happened on the train. Some people felt unwell, women were crying. Children. This isn’t normal,’’ Fleris said.

SNCF said 77 per cent of train drivers were on strike. The overall proportion of rail workers participat­ing in the work stoppage including employees on trains and on the ground— was 33.9 per cent, the company detailed in a statement. Labour unions say Macron — a centrist former investment banker whom critics consider the president of the rich — is threatenin­g hard-fought French rights that workers in other countries envy, as well as damaging the whole idea of public service.

A few thousand demonstrat­ors marched through the French capital at the call of rail workers union.

“We are very satisfied with the number of strikers because due to the strike practicall­y the entire railway network was paralyzed,’’ Francois Grasa, leader of the FO Cheminots (Railway Workers) Union, said.

“It doesn’t make us happy to go on strike. We lose money when we are on strike,’’ Grasa added.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? French riot police detain a protestor during a rail workers demonstrat­ion in Paris, Tuesday, April 3, 2018. French unions plan strikes two days every week through June to protest government plans to eliminate some rail worker benefits — part of...
AP PHOTO French riot police detain a protestor during a rail workers demonstrat­ion in Paris, Tuesday, April 3, 2018. French unions plan strikes two days every week through June to protest government plans to eliminate some rail worker benefits — part of...

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