Journal Pioneer

Putin says Russian military not building long term in Syria


Russia has no plans to pull its military out of Syria but isn’t building permanent facilities there, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday in his annual marathon callin show. The troops “will stay there for as long as it is to Russia’s advantage, and to fulfil our internatio­nal responsibi­lities,’’ the Russian leader said during his annual televised call-in show. But, he added, “we are not building long-term installati­ons there and if necessary can withdraw our servicemen quite quickly without any material losses.’’ Syria is Russia’s only military foothold in the Middle East, using leased facilities for ships at Tartus and for an air base in Hemeimeem. Putin didn’t elaborate under what circumstan­ces Russia could leave or on Moscow’s broader strategy for Syria. In nearly 4 1/2 hours of the call-in show, Putin addressed a wide range of questions, largely domestic concerns such as road conditions, health care and village schools. On internatio­nal questions, he said he believes other countries wrongly regard Russia as a threat and that mistaken concept can end if they see that the economic sanctions the West has put on Russia don’t serve their interests. Russia has been hit with sanctions by the U.S. and the West over its 2014 annexation of Crimea, its support for separatist rebels in Ukraine’s east and its alleged interferen­ce in the U.S. 2016 presidenti­al election. Britain has also blamed the nerve agent poisoning in the U.K. of a Russian former spy and his daughter on Russia, which it denies. Both the West and Russia have expelled more than 150 diplomats on each side over that issue. “This pressure will end when our partners become convinced that the methods used by them are ineffectiv­e, counterpro­ductive and harmful to all,’’ Putin said Thursday. “They see Russia as a threat. They see that Russia has become a competitor to them ... we propose that this is a very mistaken policy.’’ He reiterated his dismissal of allegation­s that Russia meddled in the election that brought Donald Trump into the White House. Asked the best joke he had heard recently, Putin cited what he said was commentary in a German publicatio­n that Trump was “is pushing Europe right into Putin’s hands. If we combine it with an earlier joke — that Russia influenced the US election — all that sounds quite funny.’’ The annual call-in show, like Putin’s marathon news conference each winter, is an elaborate demonstrat­ion of Putin’s stamina, reinforcin­g his dominance of Russia’s politics. About 2.5 million messages were reportedly sent to Putin, who answered 79 questions — plus four others that he fielded from foreign journalist­s after the show. This was Putin’s first show since being inaugurate­d for a new six-year term last month, in which he promised extensive efforts to get Russia’s economy to grow into one of the world’s top five. On Thursday, he said Russia’s gross domestic product is currently 1.5 per cent higher than a year ago. He described it as modest but said he’s confident that future “growth is guaranteed.’’

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