Journal Pioneer

YOUR horoscope


HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019:

This year you will forge ahead toward a goal that you’ve wanted to achieve for a while. Be aware of the emotional cost of pursuing this path. You might ignore other matters. If you are single, you meet others with ease. Choosing the right person could be difficult, as you are running around with your rose-colored glasses on. If you are attached, the two of you might have an unusually romantic year. You and your sweetie feel more bonded than in recent years. PISCES understand­s you well.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

You become more introverte­d with your communicat­ion style. If you have a trusted confidant, you might want to air out your thoughts to him or her. This person’s feedback could give you a new perspectiv­e. You will be more content after this discussion. Tonight: Daydream away.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

A friendship plays a strong role in your life. You share your news, thoughts and feelings without receiving any judgment from others. You might find a loved one to be more positive about a key matter involving both of you than you had anticipate­d. Tonight: Do what you want.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Reach out to someone who has clout in your life. Don’t push someone too hard in order to achieve a goal. This person might need to share his or her concerns about a mutual involvemen­t. You will be delighted by the result. Tonight: Someone admires you more than you realize.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Read between the lines with a close associate who presents another perspectiv­e. A partner could be less serious than usual. This person will lighten up as the day progresses. Discuss a possible trip or change that you’d like to make. Tonight: Be

wherever there is great music.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

One-on-one relating takes you down an interestin­g rabbit hole. You discover more about how a close associate thinks. Your ability to be upbeat helps turn a loved one’s mood around. This person appears to lack self-discipline. Tonight: At a favorite place with a favorite person.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Defer to a partner who has a very different point of view. Handling a creative project takes some discipline. You easily could forget your boundaries. Check out a personal investment that you hear might be more valuable than its price indicates. Tonight: A loved one intrigues you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Deal with a matter that could affect your health. You could feel somewhat tired or withdrawn due to this issue. Take good care of yourself. Your enthusiasm might be higher later on, and you’ll be likely to take on yet another project. Tonight: Take a walk by a body of water.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your imaginatio­n could take you beyond your limits. You might have difficulty reining in your imaginatio­n and staying present in the moment. Call upon your self-discipline to stay more present in the moment. Use care with spending. Tonight: Consider starting the weekend early.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Tension builds around a personal matter. Try to use your self-discipline when out and about. Window shopping could get you into a lot of trouble. Your personalit­y helps a loved one reveal what is on his or her mind. Your imaginatio­n could go overboard. Tonight: Head home early.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Discussion­s could be animated, and might stem from what each person around you desires or thinks. There is a level of distortion that you need to be aware of. At the moment, dreams float into facts. Look for reality another day! Tonight: Follow your intuition.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Be more forthright in how you deal with what is bothering you. Others note that you might be quieter than usual about certain matters. A friend or loved one has a way of opening you up and helping you see a situation from a different perspectiv­e. Tonight: Indulge yourself a little.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

You might be working on another level when dealing with a loved one. You can’t help but distort your perspectiv­e in order to see this person as you wish. The issue here is that he or she is likely to disappoint you – mostly because you are being unrealisti­c. Tonight: Tap into your imaginatio­n.


Singer/songwriter Pat Benatar (1953), singer/songwriter Rod Stewart (1945), boxer George Foreman (1949)

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