Journal Pioneer

Support rural communitie­s

- ALAN E. MACPHEE GUEST OPINION Alan E. MacPhee is a resident of Souris, P.E.I.

In response to an opinion piece in The Guardian (and Journal Pioneer) on Nov. 13 regarding a view the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation in St. Peters should be located in Charlottet­own because there's more people in Charlottet­own, and thus, all things would be closer to more people.

Rural Islanders have lived with this argument of the tyranny of the majority for a long time, and it's part of the discrimina­tion rural Islanders live with. If proponents of eco-centraliza­tion really want to remain true to this ideologica­l philosophy, then shouldn't they all move to Toronto and ride bicycles? While P.E.I. promotes people from all over the world to take planes, ships and automobile­s to come to P.E.I., there are others who decry the trip to St. Peters from Charlottet­own.

Does that 53 kilometres really make a difference to global warming or is it just another way to put down rural Islanders as not deserving to be part of the Island government economy and to advance the argument that rural communitie­s should be shunned out of existence?

The reality is rural P.E.I., especially Eastern P.E.I., is sending tens of millions of dollars of tax revenues to Charlottet­own to support the urbanizati­on of things and does not receive fair exchange of government investment in rural communitie­s. More often than not, when there is rural investment, it supports the urban centre more than the rural community.

Enough of colonial management – rural developmen­t corporatio­ns should be establishe­d so rural communitie­s can be part of the decision-making affecting them.

For example, despite serious concerns about the environmen­tal impact, health issues, community well-being, and rural land investment­s, Energy P.E.I. is trying to impose on Eastern P.E.I. seven wind turbines twice as high as the Peace Tower in Ottawa. While supportive of windmill energy, they should not be located close to people or sensitive environmen­tal areas. Are these community killers really an investment in rural P.E.I. when they send millions of dollars to Charlottet­own but destroy rural land values and communitie­s? Are they good for P.E.I.? Whether P.E.I. should destroy ecology and rural communitie­s to generate electricit­y or concentrat­e on conservati­on of energy might be a good first study for the new institute.

It is long past due time that government jobs and money come east, particular­ly Souris and Georgetown. As there were more federal government jobs in Souris when Lawrence MacAulay first took office than there are today,

I do think he got it right in supporting his home community of St. Peters.

A few of our own rural dollars being spent in our own rural communitie­s is not going to destroy the planet. For those who think all things should be decided and located in Charlottet­own, it wouldn’t hurt them to drive 53 km out of the city and expand their world view a bit.

For those who think all things should be decided and located in Charlottet­own, it wouldn’t hurt them to drive 53 km out of the city and expand their world view a bit.

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