Journal Pioneer

Second coronaviru­s case confirmed in P.E.I.


Chief public health officer Dr. Heather Morrison confirmed the second case of coronaviru­s (COVID-19 strain) in P.E.I. on Thursday.

Morrison announced at a news conference carried live on Facebook. Morrison said the second case is a man from Queens County in his 40s who returned from the United Kingdom.

“He returned from travel from the United Kingdom and self-isolated, because he knew he was supposed to do so, immediatel­y upon returning home,” Morrison said.

“I spoke directly to him and I’m so pleased he’s doing well.” Morrison said the case was a reminder of the importance of the 14-day self-quarantine recommende­d for all returning travellers by the Chief Public Health Office.

“If he had not self-isolated, he may have inadverten­tly infected others in the community,” Morrison said.

Morrison said the individual did not exhibit symptoms of the coronaviru­s during his internatio­nal or domestic flights home.

She said staff are following up with anyone the man may have had contact within P.E.I., but are not yet doing so with other passengers on the man’s return flights.

“He did not have symptoms at that time but if that changes, certainly they would be advised of those details,” Morrison said.

“That would not involve a contact follow-up at this point.”

She declined to release details about the man’s flight from the UK to P.E.I., citing privacy concerns.

As of Thursday, the Province has performed 213 total coronaviru­s tests. Of these tests, 122 have been negative, 2 have been positive and 89 are pending.

Testing in P.E.I. is focused on individual­s who have returned from overseas travel and are showing symptoms of the coronaviru­s. Morrison also said individual­s in hospital with other influenza-like symptoms are also being tested, whether they have travelled or not. Drivethrou­gh testing may be rolled out in the days ahead, and paramedics may be able to perform tests in homes.

Morrison also addressed the decision to close publicly run liquor stores on Thursday. She said she understood it affected many families on the Island.

“Alcohol withdrawal is a danger so we would never leave Islanders without access to alcohol for their own health for certain people,” Morrison said. “I’m sorry I was not as clear as I should have been.”

Morrison said the provincial stores would remain closed but other access, which might include pick-up delivery or drive-through, will be announced. Private agency stores and breweries will remain open.

Morrison said Islanders should continue to practice social distancing and warned of the dangers of the coronaviru­s reaching infection rates seen in Italy.

“If that was to happen in P.E.I., there would be 3,000 deaths. It reinforces to me why we need to make these kinds of measures,” Morrison said.

Marion Dowling, Health PEI’s Chief of Nursing, also spoke about the ventilator capacity of the Island’s health system. Ventilator­s help deal with the respirator­y effects of coronaviru­s.

Dowling said Health P.E.I. currently has 19 ventilator­s ready for use. The federal government has ordered 15 more for P.E.I., but Dowling said the Province has put in additional orders beyond this.

Dowling also said Health P.E.I. currently maintains four to five times this capacity.

“We would have the capacity for ventilator services for Islanders, if they were needed, beyond and above what we normally need,” she said.

 ?? PROVINCE OF P.E.I. PHOTO ?? Dr. Heather Morrison, Chief Health Officer of P.E.I., speaks during a teleconfer­ence briefing Wednesday.
PROVINCE OF P.E.I. PHOTO Dr. Heather Morrison, Chief Health Officer of P.E.I., speaks during a teleconfer­ence briefing Wednesday.

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