Journal Pioneer

What the Bible says about pestilence­s

- Ian Kurylyk Ian Kurylyk is pastor at Summerside Fundamenta­l Baptist Church.

“He is a leprous man... he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean... he shall dwell alone;” (Leviticus 13:44-46).

These selections from Leviticus 13 show us that man has faced pestilence­s for thousands of years. Even then, the Law of Moses took thought for the restrictio­n of communicab­le disease (leprosy) by requiring a mouth covering, social distancing by alerting others of one's infection, and a forced quarantine.

And even though (in better times) it has been a popular viewpoint that through science man has solved all such problems, prophecies of the Bible point to a coming resurgence of pestilence­s, or plagues. Jesus used this word in His prophetic discourse in Matthew 24. Also, in the New Testament prophetic book called the Revelation, the fourth horseman of the apocalypse, the pale horse of death, is generally recognized as having this significan­ce.

While that distinct time of prophecy may be very near, we are not there yet, so what is the Biblical significan­ce of COVID19? History confirms that pestilence­s can occur now as at any time in this world since Adam's fall brought the curse. In the 14th century, Europe was stricken by the black plague. Only a hundred years ago the world suffered the ravages of the Spanish Flu with various sources estimating about 50 million dying. This is to say nothing of smaller epidemics of smallpox, typhoid, cholera, and more.

Science has brought advances in treating and preventing many diseases, but science is not All-powerful. Ultimately only God is absolute in His ability to stop a plague, whether He intervenes directly or enables science to take a part in bringing help.

He is the ultimate deliverer. Why would some of our media personalit­ies mock the American people and their leaders for appealing to God in prayer for national deliveranc­e?

What is a wise and balanced approach to dealing with this virus?

1. Do ask God's help if you have a prayer life. God answers prayer.

2. Follow the directives of our health experts and authoritie­s. God raises up these helpers for our good.

3. Trust God and be at peace. “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplicati­on with thanksgivi­ng let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understand­ing, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippian­s 4:6-7).

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