Journal Pioneer

France’s No.1 police union threatens walkout over coronaviru­s protection


PARIS — France’s biggest police trade union has given the government an ultimatum, telling it to provide officers with the face masks and gloves they need to enforce a nationwide coronaviru­s lockdown - or risk its members walking off the job.

Countries around the world are struggling to deal with the biggest public health crisis since the 1918 influenza pandemic, with medical supplies and protective gear in short supply.

France has some of the most far-reaching worker protection­s of any developed country, including the right to stop working if confronted by an imminent and grave threat.

The Alliance union said it was giving the government until Friday to provide enough face masks, gloves and hand sanitizer gel for its officers to use at their discretion, and not only under the orders of superiors.

“There is no reason why we should be victims of a government failure to plan,” Frederic Lagache, a senior Alliance union official told Reuters. “We want to carry out our duties to their fullest, but need to be able to guarantee our own safety.”

A second union less present among the police force, the CFDT, urged its officers to refuse tasks that put them in close contact with the public due to the lack of protective gear.

As the number of dead from the coronaviru­s in France hit 264 and confirmed cases spiraled above 9,000, some 100,000 police have fanned out across the country to enforce a virtual lockdown unpreceden­ted during peacetime.

The stringent restrictio­ns on public life permit people to leave their homes only to buy groceries, travel to work, exercise or seek medical help.

Anyone venturing outside must carry a document justifying their movement, or risk a fine. In the past 24 hours, tens of thousands of police checks had been carried out and more than 4,000 penalties issued, Castaner said.

He downplayed the risk to police, citing public health experts who insisted wearing a mask did not protect those showing no symptoms. “That goes for the police too,” he told Europe 1 radio.

The lockdown would be extended after two weeks if the pandemic remained a threat, he said.

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