Journal Pioneer

Virus thumps Brazil, prompts cries of ‘Bolsonaro Out!’


The coronaviru­s outbreak hammered Brazil on Wednesday, crushing local markets, infecting more members of the country’s political elite and prompting loud protests against President Jair Bolsonaro, whose son waded into a diplomatic spat with China.

Bolsonaro’s national security adviser, the mines and energy minister and the head of the Senate all tested positive for the virus on Wednesday, as the death toll rose to four dead with 428 people infected.

Bolsonaro has come under mounting criticism for his lax handling of the outbreak, which he initially labeled a “fantasy.” The virus’ spread represents a major threat for the far-right populist, who was already struggling to resuscitat­e the country’s weak economy.

On Wednesday night, Brazil erupted to the sound of banging pots and pans and shouts of “Bolsonaro out!” with housebound protesters expressing their anger toward the president. The protests took place in major Brazilian cities and even included projection­s of “Bolsonaro out!” onto the sides of buildings, according to social media videos.

Bolsonaro says he has twice tested negative for the coronaviru­s, but 14 people in his entourage to Florida 10 days ago have tested positive. The fallout from the trip, in which he met U.S. President Donald Trump, haunts him.

In a fresh headache late on Wednesday, his son Eduardo, a federal lawmaker who also traveled to meet Trump, sparked a diplomatic dust-up with China, Brazil’s top trade partner.

In a tweet, he likened China’s role in the coronaviru­s outbreak to that of the USSR during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, alleging a cover-up. “It’s China’s fault and freedom is the answer,” he tweeted.

His comments, which echoed those of Trump, sparked an angry response from the Chinese embassy, which said he had contracted a “mental virus” while in the United States.

“Sadly, you are a person without any internatio­nal vision or common sense,” it tweeted at him. “We suggest you don’t rush to become the U.S. spokesman in Brazil, or risk an ugly fall.”

With criticism mounting, the president held an afternoon news conference with ministers - all wearing masks - to announce emergency measures to contain the virus and buttress the economy, including assistance for poorer families and support for a struggling aviation industry.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro adjusts his protective face mask during a press statement to announce federal judiciary measures to curb the spread of coronaviru­s.
REUTERS Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro adjusts his protective face mask during a press statement to announce federal judiciary measures to curb the spread of coronaviru­s.

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