Lethbridge Herald

Gov’t needs to lead way with green energy incentives


I am disappoint­ed that our government does not provide incentives for rooftop residentia­l solar systems, wind turbines or electric vehicles.

For all the talk about reducing our emissions and moving away from fossil fuels, there is very little action except for increasing taxes on fossil fuels. I agree that making fossil fuels more expensive is part of the solution but citizens need an alternativ­e to high energy costs in the form of incentives to invest in green energy and transporta­tion.

I dream of the day when my home can be completely off the grid and I no longer have to stop at fuel stations or pay natural gas and electric bills. We have the technology; we need our government to lead us into this inevitable energy revolution by providing meaningful incentives for citizens to become energy independen­t. An electric car; solar panels; a small wind turbine and a home battery is all I need.

We have thousands of unemployed skilled workers; auto sales have reached their peak; home constructi­on and renovation­s are slowing and our economy is not growing. Pushing up the cost of fossil fuels will not get our provincial and federal government­s re-elected, create new jobs or help us meet our emissions goals. Incentives for home owners to become energy independen­t will accomplish all three. Win, win, win.

Derek Gayowski


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