Lethbridge Herald

Alta. privacy chief asks for overhaul


Alberta’s informatio­n commission­er says her office can’t do its job properly unless the government overhauls the province’s privacy law.

Jill Clayton says her office has been having trouble getting informatio­n from the government that it needs to determine if it can grant informatio­n requests.

She says some requests from opposition parties, the media and the public have been stymied going back to 2012.

The problems include the government blacking out big sections of reports and government lawyers speaking for witnesses her investigat­ors want to interview.

Clayton says the delays were the subject of a recent Supreme Court ruling that found the problem is with the wording of Alberta’s Freedom Of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy law.

Clayton’s office tabled two reports in the legislatur­e Tuesday outlining the problems, including a request to change the law to make it effective.

“I am deeply disappoint­ed in how this matter has unfolded,” Clayton said Tuesday.

“What should have been a relatively straightfo­rward investigat­ion has concluded under a shadow that brings the very notion of independen­t oversight of the executive branch of government into question and has the potential to erode public confidence in an open and accountabl­e government.”

Clayton says her office should have the power to require the government to give it the records it needs, and to determine if they are protected by legal privilege.

She says the law needs to be updated so that people can get informatio­n in an affordable, timely way to hold the government to account.

Clayton says when the NDP was in opposition it asked for an investigat­ion into why the Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government was taking so long to grant its request for informatio­n.

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