Lethbridge Herald

Donate to B.C. wildfires fundraiser


For the past two months we heard in the news of the B.C. wildfires that originated at Williams Lake, and has mushroomed to 161 fires from 125 fires to date.

I felt very sad when the people who carelessly throw out their cigarette butts on the side of the road and the dry grass is ignited.

We must also be more careful when camping and put the fires out.

I have contacted the Canadian Red Cross to contribute to the BC Wildfires Fundraiser and they approved my request. I am asking the public to listen to my 12 poems on YouTube. Select Whispering North480p, and donate any amount to The Red Cross will likely submit a receipt. Last week Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, visited the towns where the B.C. wildfires began especially at Williams Lake, Revelstoke, Vancouver and Victoria. The prime minister and B.C. Premier John Horgan also took an aerial tour of the fire zone in BC’s central interior on board a Canadian Forces Chinook helicopter.

At times the smoke from the surroundin­g fires was so thick, the ground below was barely visible. We can relate to the thick smoke at Lethbridge and Coaldale when the smoke was so rank I didn’t go outdoors at all.

Prime Minister Trudeau suggested that the people donate funds to the B.C. wildfire cause and the federal government will match their donations.

Paul Jones


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