Lethbridge Herald

Climate talk not likely at NAFTA


- Mia Rabson

Afrank report on climate change in America leaked to the New York Times a week before the U.S. sits down to begin renegotiat­ing NAFTA may give some weight to Canada’s push to get climate change mitigation included as part of the new continenta­l trade deal.

But that, of course, would require U.S. President Donald Trump to buy into even some of what the report says, which, in short, is that climate change is real, caused by people and that some extreme weather events can now be attributed to the warming planet.

The special report on climate change by scientists at 13 U.S. federal agencies hasn’t been approved yet by the White House and was leaked by scientists who fear Trump will refuse to release it because it counters his belief that climate change is a “hoax.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said last week Canada wants climate change, reduced emissions and efforts to shift to a low-carbon economy written into the new NAFTA

Canada, the U.S. and Mexico are to start renegotiat­ing the 23-year-old trade deal on Aug. 16.

“We are certainly looking for a better level playing field across North America on environmen­tal protection­s,” Trudeau said last week.

However, with Trump withdrawin­g the U.S. from the Paris climate change agreement and pledging to return the U.S. coal industry to its glory days, the White House and the Canadian government are far apart on many environmen­tal issues.

Even getting the words “climate change” into the agreement could be a struggle.

A government official speaking on background told The Canadian Press last week that, on the environmen­t side, Canada will be looking to the free trade agreement recently signed with Europe, known as the Comprehens­ive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA, as a template.

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland has referred to CETA as the gold standard of trade agreements when it comes to the environmen­t and said she wants to push CETA’s environmen­t chapter with the U.S. and Mexico on NAFTA.

However, several trade experts say the United States is going to be pushing for the environmen­t chapter in NAFTA to be more closely aligned with the now-defunct Trans Pacific Partnershi­p or TPP. One key difference? CETA mentions climate change. TPP does not.

“CETA is more relevant to Canada and the TPP is more relevant to the United States,” said Peter Clark, an internatio­nal trade expert and president of the Ottawa firm Grey, Clark, Shih and Associates.

The new U.S. climate report puts new weight behind Canada’s contention that climate change is real and is caused by people, two things the Trump White House disputes.

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