Lethbridge Herald

Liberal leader wants election spending laws strengthen­ed

- Dave Mabell LETHBRIDGE HERALD dmabell@lethbridge­herald.com

Newly elected Liberal leader David Khan has hopes for the governing New Democrats.

He’s hoping they’ll enact legislatio­n to control American-style “political action committees,” as he has urged repeatedly.

But Khan — who rode in the Whoop-Up Days parade Tuesday along with Calgary MLA David Swann — has less hope that Rachel Notley’s government will trim its spending to avoid going further in debt.

Privately funded political committees, he said, have created a way to circumvent election spending laws in place at the federal and provincial level. Khan cited United Conservati­ve leadership candidate Jason Kenney’s campaign, which reportedly raised $2 million, as an example of the intent of those laws being defeated.

But because Alberta’s current legislatio­n covers only the official election period, there’s no way citizens can learn who is behind supposedly non-partisan action groups, he warned.

The governing NDP are taking note of the issue, he said, and could be bringing more comprehens­ive legislatio­n for MLAs’ considerat­ion at the fall sitting.

It’s not only right-wing groups who are skirting the law, Khan added. “It’s happening left and right.” With Alberta’s Liberals claiming the middle ground, Khan said he’s been meeting supporters in all parts of the province.

“There’s Liberals coming out all over,” with Lethbridge no exception.

Albertans remain concerned about jobs and the economy, he reported. Outside the big cities, they’re worried about cattle prices and drought conditions across the south.

And they’re alarmed by the government’s mismanagem­ent on a number of issues, Khan said. While the New Democrats have taken some ideas from recent Liberal platforms, “they have implemente­d them in an incompeten­t manner.”

Though the NDP has brought in some experience­d bureaucrat­s from other provinces, he said its MLAs lack the ability to provide competent government.

“Premier Notley has a pretty thin bench to support her.”

Most Albertans don’t agree with the ideas promoted by former Wildrose and Progressiv­e Conservati­ve politician­s, he said.

“People are looking for another alternativ­e,” and they’re open to the Liberals’ approach.

Since winning the leadership, Khan’s goal has been to visit all 87 of the province’s constituen­cies. After completing his latest trip across southern Alberta, he’ll be heading north.

“It’s the first Pride Parade in Fort McMurray,” he explained.

Khan expects it will be interestin­g to see which politician­s show up — and which don’t.

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David Khan

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