Lethbridge Herald

Hunters step up to the plate again


- Neil Keown and Cody Spencer

Each fall as days grow short, nights grow frosty and foliage changes colour, hunters return to the field. While farmers harvest crops and wildlife fattens for the long winter ahead, we who hunt reap our own rewards of the season. Those include not just healthy food from creatures who have never been held in captivity or hauled to a meat packing facility, but also the chance to range freely across wild landscapes, connecting with nature in one of the most ancient of ways: as predators.

Some anthropolo­gists suspect that hunting helped make us human in the first place, through the exercise of skill, reasoning, physical exertion and teamwork. Other people argue that hunting is an anachronis­m, no longer appropriat­e in a society that has other ways of producing food.

Where hunting is concerned, debates over ethics are inevitable. Even within the hunting community itself, there are ongoing arguments about right and wrong. Ethical principles such as fair chase and restraint, after all, are the very foundation of the North American hunting tradition.

Like any other human activity, hunting can be tainted by laziness, cruelty or other human flaws. Unrestrain­ed greed and commercial markets for dead animals drove some species of wildlife to extinction in the early 20th century. Fortunatel­y, conservati­on groups founded by hunters themselves led the fight for more protective hunting regulation­s and the preservati­on of wildlife habitat.

Those efforts were successful. Elk, deer and pronghorn antelope, hunted to near-extinction across most of the continent, are more abundant now than at any time in the past century. Hundreds of thousands of waterfowl migrate from wetlands hunters paid to restore. Bumper stickers boast that “hunters are the original environmen­talists.” That’s at least partly true. Some hunters have always been at the front of the conservati­on movement. Most other hunters have been willing to follow.

Still, ethical debates continue. New issues emerge. Recently, in Alberta, the long-festering issue of landscape damage caused by too much motorized play and too many irresponsi­ble offhighway vehicle users finally blew up. The trigger was the Alberta government’s decision finally — after 40 years of promises and inaction — to establish new parks in the Castle River area near Pincher Creek.

Many Alberta hunters and anglers support restrictio­ns on off-roading. They want fish and wildlife to have safe, productive habitat and, as hunters, prefer to escape the noise and damage caused by motor vehicles and to interact quietly and respectful­ly with the land. This support cuts across all demographi­cs but seems particular­ly strong among younger outdoors people attracted to hunting and angling by concerns for the ethical sourcing of food and authentic reconnecti­on with nature.

Alberta hunters looked across the Rockies at B.C. and south into the U.S. and saw an organizati­on that takes strong principled stands on these sorts of issues: Backcountr­y Hunters and Anglers. In April, a core group of Albertans — both hunters and anglers — started up our own provincial chapter. The group’s first initiative was to take a stand in support of the eliminatio­n of OHVs from the Castle Parks — and the continuati­on of muscle-powered, fair-chase hunting and fishing in those same parks.

When members of the new Alberta chapter of Backcountr­y Hunters and Anglers go afield this fall they will seek their game on foot, on public land, and in the spirit of ethical restraint and conservati­on activism that has always defined hunting at its best. And their experience­s there will inspire them anew, like so many before them, to stand up for healthy public lands, fair chase, the exercise of skill and restraint, and the continual renewal of Alberta’s proud hunter-conservati­onist tradition.

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