Lethbridge Herald

Issues remain Mauro’s focus

- Melissa Villeneuve LETHBRIDGE HERALD

Joe Mauro wants to continue to represent the citizens of Lethbridge as a Lethbridge city councillor. On Monday, he filed his nomination forms to seek re-election for a sixth term in office.

“I guess once you run for council and you keep running and being reelected by the public, it kind of gets into your blood,” he said. “I still feel like I can contribute. I still feel that I have the passion and I still feel that I can represent the public that elect me.”

Mauro was first elected to council in 1995. He served three terms, then sat out for two, before being re-elected again in 2010 and 2013. Mauro was also a mayoralty candidate in 2004.

“Hopefully I can continue to do what I’ve done in the past and hopefully keep trying to make things better, because I think that’s what we’re all trying to do.”

The best part of being a councillor, said Mauro, is speaking with the city’s residents to discuss issues that are important to them. He said he enjoys getting the phone calls and meeting over coffee, learning about issues and then bringing those issues forward.

“That’s what I’ve done right from 1995 when I first ran, and I’ve continued to do that. To me, that’s important. In order for me to do my job properly, I need to know what the community feels because they’re the ones that elect me,” he said.

“Whether I believe in them or not, whether I think their issue is a non-issue or not, it’s still my job, I believe, to bring their issues forward. And that’s the part I really, really enjoy.”

Mauro acknowledg­es that with nine individual­s sitting on council, everyone has different ideas and goals. But one personal goal that’s remained constant for him is openness and transparen­cy. It’s something he said he’ll continue to work towards.

“Those have been personal goals since 1995 and every election since,” he said. “I’m going to strive to make this place more open, more accessible, more receptive to the public.”

As far as goals council will be facing in the next term, he said “one of the main issues we’re hearing more than anything is safety and security of the community.”

“Not only in the downtown... there’s things happening in all corners of our city,” said Mauro. “And if I reflect back to these four years, that’s probably the calls that I received the most of.”

He believes the other main issue this council will face is the hiring of a new city manager.

“I’m anticipati­ng that he will be retiring at some point in this term, so that’s going to be a tough job.”

Born and raised in Lethbridge, Mauro is a lifelong resident of the city. He holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Lethbridge and has worked in a variety of different fields. He’s coached soccer for over three decades, including six years with the Lethbridge College Kodiaks men's soccer team.

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Joe Mauro

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