Lethbridge Herald

Liberals aren’t only ones with valid opinions



For seven years I have watched as The Herald has been taken over by the libs, dippers and lefty crazies. If a normal person writes a common sense letter, he or she is immediatel­y shouted down by assorted loons and goobers.

They want everyone to believe that they alone have the “facts” about everything. Well, I don’t agree with them about anything that I can think of! For you so-called “social justice warriors” and other over-the-top perpetuall­y offended lefty wingnuts, I would like to reveal some actual “facts” as believed by most severely normal people in southern Alberta.

Fact: Justin Trudeau would be in jail or executed for treason in most countries, not revered for his hair and socks! In two years he has not helped a single average Canadian, veteran or senior. He has, however, given away billions of our tax money to UN dictators and raised taxes repeatedly to further his personal agenda of a seat on the UN security council or, in his dreams, the Grand Poobah position of Secretary General!

Fact: Rachel Notley is a socialist and will ruin the province as fast as she can with her pie-in-the-sky fairy dust ideas.

Fact: Mankind did not evolve from a one-celled organism living in the sea. Just not possible. Where did this single living cell come from? We didn’t evolve from monkeys either. Why are there still monkeys?

Fact: The are two genders, that’s all! Having an operation changes your appearance, not your gender!

Fact: Oil and natural gas are here to stay! This is Canada. It is cold seven months of the year. Windmills and solar panels and fairy dust won’t keep us from freezing. What good is a so-called electric truck when it takes the energy equivalent of 4,000 homes to charge a battery that is made from toxic rare earth minerals?

I can hear the lefty heads exploding now and am certainly looking forward to the fun of reading all the rants dismissing me as a know-nothing dinosaur. However, these are the facts that everyone except the vocal left believe to be true and it is about time someone spoke up for the “silent majority,” so scream all you want, libs, but facts are facts and what you consider the truth is only your opinion and my opinions are just as valid as yours.

Mike Davio

Fort Macleod

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