Lethbridge Herald

MPs should be voices of reason, not disrespect


The Honorable Blake Richards, Member of Parliament from Alberta, has been yelling in Parliament with the effect of drowning out the voices of other Members of Parliament. He is the first person to be removed from Parliament by the Sergeant-AtArms for this kind of breach of decorum in living memory.

As a Canadian citizen, I must ask Mr. Richards to stop abusing the institutio­n of government and the Parliament of Canada. Please instead consider providing reasoned responses to issues facing Canadians and help the government choose between the alternativ­es it is contemplat­ing. Consider directing your efforts to providing positive input towards the guidance of the country of Canada and its federal government. I would further expect that Members of Parliament, such as Mr. Richards, would do this in a manner that is respectful of our parliament­ary system and also respectful of the other members of this great institutio­n.

I am angry at the movement afoot, headed by some bad actors, to change the Parliament of Canada from a place where our elected representa­tives can discuss issues in a reasoned and productive manner, to a place of shouted slogans, screaming invective and denial of the right to be heard.

I hope Mr. Richards, and the other Members of Parliament, will find it within themselves to become voices of reason and progress, and to protect our system of government and its institutio­ns.

Tom Moffatt


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