Lethbridge Herald

Hehr accused of insults by thalidomid­e group


- Kristy Kirkup

Members of a group of thalidomid­e survivors dropped a bombshell Tuesday as they accused Disabiliti­es Minister Kent Hehr of belittling them with insulting and degrading remarks during a face-toface meeting earlier this year.

The comments from Hehr came during an Oct. 19 meeting, which the group had hoped would encourage the federal government to make good on its commitment to further compensate those impacted by the now-banned pregnancy drug, said Fiona Sampson, herself a survivor who was at the meeting.

The minister said, “‘You don’t have it as bad today as adults as you did when you were kids,’” Sampson quoted the minister as saying, along with, “‘everyone in Canada has a sob story. Lots of people have it bad in Canada — disabled people, poor people, not just you.’”

And when Hehr was told about the impact their condition was expected to have on their life spans, Sampson alleges he responded: “‘So, you probably have about 10 years left now. That’s good news for the Canadian government.’”

In a statement Tuesday, Hehr flatly denied ever making the latter remark, and described the first two comments as having been “misconstru­ed.” He also apologized to the group last month after a letter of complaint was sent to the Prime Minister’s Office.

“As someone with a disability myself, it was certainly not my intention to offend anyone,” the statement said. “While some of my comments were misconstru­ed, as soon as I learned that my comments were felt to be offensive, I immediatel­y called the organizati­on directly and apologized.”

Sampson also accused Hehr of touching a survivor in an “unwelcome” way during the meeting. “It was ... physical contact that violated her personal space,” Sampson said.

Tuesday’s news conference was the first he’s heard of any such allegation, Hehr insisted. “If there was any physical contact, it was completely accidental and I apologize.”

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